I've never seen that before, it almost looks like she had a big growth spurt just as she was putting on that one node. At least it looks like an elongated node.

Weird, huh? She has heavy branching, whatever the case.
Hope to clone her, as she's a vigorous plant.
Maybe get the laterals from the small, lowest node.
These may be my final weekly pics for high density before harvest .. at 11 weeks I'm still hoping she will fatten up some more also my pics are taken with lights on I will add some more tmoz also @Ripper can I have my code for final pics for next week
Looking real nice! I'm feeling kind of behind everybody else with all my germination problems.

to be honest jingo this girl never fattened up to anywere near her potential at least going by other heavyweight strains ive grown but still going to get some decent smoke off her
Great work with this plant in auto pots!
thanks again maria auto pots grow monsters i think i will be putting 2 instead of from now on there in 15 ltr pots at the min
About day 60

Skunky Monkey

I've been running this plant on a 30 gallon reservoir for the last month and keeping it kind of low on the grow in order to keep the N down. In fact the last time I mixed up a reservoir which was about a week ago I didn't use any grow at all in the plant was kind of Pale. Now it's getting very dark and I've seen a couple Leaf tips fried a bit, perhaps I'm not letting the water run frequently enough it's on four times in a 24-hour period right now?

I may have to make a few adjustments to this Reservoir before I get down to the bottom, but I'm very happy with the way she looks so far.

I did some heavy defoliation yesterday and I think that may be the last time, at least I hope from here on out the buds will just get so heavy they flop outward and expose some of the lower stuff.
