New Grower Have you ever offered your girls coffee?

The main issues with egg shells in your soil mix is that like bone meal, it takes a long period of time to break down. If you properly crush them, or grind them into a dust almost, add worms to your soil, and have a good living mix with some sort of TLO, this probably would be negated and allow the egg shells to be deconposed and absorbed much quicker.
What an interesting project you have there!

I plan to digg up earhworms and invite them to live in my pots. Though I do not know if they survive the chemical ferts.

Another thing I was thinking about is horse maneur. Could that be used? Does it need to composted? I live in an apparment building and don't have facilities to make compost.
What an interesting project you have there!

I plan to digg up earhworms and invite them to live in my pots. Though I do not know if they survive the chemical ferts.

Another thing I was thinking about is horse maneur. Could that be used? Does it need to composted? I live in an apparment building and don't have facilities to make compost.
Chemical ferts will undoubtedly kill the worms. As well as killing the worms, they will kill living organisms naturally found in soil, so if you are running some sort of organics, it makes them virtually useless.
Fresh horse manure would be far too hot if you were to use it, and again basically useless with chem ferts. Youd have to get well composted/aged horse manure and use it in small amounts hefore upping it, otherwise you may kill your plants. Alsoooo the horse which the manure may have came from may have been fed antibiotics, deworming shit, and all that fun stuff, which will be taken up into the plant
Thnx, @HMR
Just brain storming on what to do better and posting my thoughts so you who know more than me csn comment.
Thnx, @HMR
Just brain storming on what to do better and posting my thoughts so you who know more than me csn comment.
If you're really looking for someone who can show you some a real good example of large scale TLO, look into brownguy420, he runs a recreational farm in oregon, and has his own YouTube series documenting it all.
I've offered my girls coffee, tea, jump rope, and a makeup consultation. They don't want any of it, the only want to go to Disneyland and they pester me constantly about it.
If you can get your hands on rabbit manure it is the only livestock manure that doesn't need composted prior to use.

I'm debating getting a couple lion heads for poop production and the babies will pay for the food!
I've offered my girls coffee, tea, jump rope, and a makeup consultation. They don't want any of it, the only want to go to Disneyland and they pester me constantly about it.
My children obey their father.
I used to top dress my pots with some coffee grounds sometimes, supposed to help with bugs and I know it's rich in Magnesium, Nitrogen & Phosphorus. Turns into a crust pretty quickly though, kind of a pita so I stopped.

Don't ever try to spray some diluted coffee grounds though (or use a coffee filter), I remember trying that many moons ago while it was dark and I was high. The next morning I had tiny holes all over my leaves, I guess from the grains being pulverised at high speed or maybe just from them burning the leaves.
I have used coffee grounds as a soil amendment in my current grow. Provides a small amount of ferts for the early stages of growth and my girl seems to have liked it. Wont do it again though. As soon as you add water it turns into a concrete like texture and takes forever for water so soak down.