Hey guys what's up? I've made a few small batches of fresh hash rosin and have a few ideas for you to try. If you want to make your fresh hash rosin similar to live resin without an expensive freeze drier, you can throw your hash in the fridge, during the drying process, rather then letting it reach room temp. Right after you scrape your sieve and pat dry your hash in the drying screen, throw your chunk in the freezer until its hard. Once it hardens, grate it into little flakes with a micro planer, and place it directly in the fridge to dry. A frozen micro planer will ensure your hash does not heat up during the planing process. Pizza boxes lined with parchment paper work well to freeze and refrigerate your hash in and if you want to separate it by screen size its easily labelled in the boxes. After the planed hash has dried out for 18 or so hours in the fridge its ready to be pressed into rosin. The main idea of this process is that the product does not reach room temps until its squished by the rosin press. The colder you can keep all of your equipment throughout this process, the less terps will be lost. This cooling starts by freezing or refrigerating your plant material as soon as you harvest, no dry or cure necessary. If you decide to refrigerate your fresh plant matter rather then freezing (Fresh Chilled Rosin vs. Fresh Frozen Rosin) plan to make your hash 3-5 days after harvesting/ refrigerating to avoid mold. You'll notice that your 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and even 5th+ runs of hash won't turn out green like they do when you freeze your plant material prior to the ice water extraction, allowing you to pull more quantity. Good luck and let us know how it turns out!