Indoor Has Anyone Seen This Mutation Before?

Oct 13, 2015
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It is a Kalishnakova I have going from Green House Seed Co. The first set of true leaves was just one big leaf. It has 5.5 fingers, the center is a fork tongue leaflet. I checked to see if the other leaf had gotten damaged, nope. Then I noticed it is a fusing of the two leaves. I can not see a true cola, just two branches starting. I have no clue how this thing is going to be have now.
@Waira have you ever seen this before? I know you have seen countless problems and mutations.
:smoking: Hal, I only wish my experience was that encyclopedic!... Okay, the first true set of leaves are the single fingers that form above the cotlydons, but that aside, in point here- nope, this is new to me...that node point is FUBAR! (What's with the stretch too? ..usually, that's a low light/spectrum, or heat stress response),...some mutations, like trinodal or leaf crinkle can grow out just fine, but I'd bet otherwise on this mutie,.. ditch it, and start a freshie, unless sheer curiosity wins out- :rofl: --the laterals might take off,...:shrug:... I'll log this freak into the sticky thread for Anomolies, here in the reference Section,.... :cheers: thanks Hal!
They have had less light than I wanted to use. They have serious root development, so I am not worried. They will be moving to a tent with proper lighting on Sunday. I knew it was something strange, when I had never even heard of that. I will be keeping this one. I want to see what it does.