Could very much be dependent on how it was dried. All the curing in the world won't fix improperly dried cannabis.
I've been commercially cultivating cannabis for 3 years now; I have never worked for a farm, or even know of a farm, that cures their cannabis. Time is money, and curing makes no difference to the nearly crack-frenzied consumers at the counter demanding their sub-$100 ounces (sorry fellow pot heads, but "cheap weed" comes with a pink elephant in the room

.) There's a saying in the commercial industry "you don't have to grow good pot, you just have to grow a lot of pot."
In my experience, very, very few grows are actually drying their cannabis in optimal environments.
First outfit I worked for hung his buds open-air in the same room he ate spaghetti and threw his dirty underwear on the floor in.
Second outfit was a little better, but they just stuck the flower in a make-shift room with a single fan oscillating in it. To keep up the humidity, they would with no exaggeration dump a 5 gallon bucket of water on the porous (non-sealed) concrete and let that raise the humidity. No rhyme or reason to it. The farm had a dedicated trimming crew; some weeks they'd say the weed was too dry, other weeks too wet, sometimes it was on point, etc.
Last grow just stuck the flower in dead-air, extremely hot sealed rooms. They didn't know how to dry pot, and they didn't give two shits either. I actually wrote the owner a very detailed, long write-up on the differences of drying, curing, optimal ranges for both, how the grow could utilize the space they had, etc and it was responded with "so what?"
Commercial grown cannabis is NOT professionally grown cannabis. That's the misnomer. Most commercial cultivation jobs start around $13/hour if you want a realistic look into what kind of "master grower" is putting his hands on your plants.
You just have to have money to grow pot, that's it. Every owner I worked for has never grown a plant before; hell you're lucky if they even toke. $$$. That's it. $$$.
Death to the dispensary!