Extraction Happy Hort Canna Cookies

Feb 2, 2014
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Hi everyone. I use this recipe to make cookies out of all my crappy useless plant material. These cookies are strong and will get any stoner baked. For light weights I would water this canna oil down by half by adding a cup of pure natural coconut oil to the canna coconut oil. Light weights will likely have a bad trip eating a whole cookie. Stoners will have a good buzz eating one cookie. Two cookies will probably make you couch locked.

This recipe is the result of years and years of experimentation. Hundreds and hundreds of cookies baked, hours of research done.

HAPPY OIL - New Method - Makes 36 high potency cookies
Dry IngredientsLiquid Ingredients
60 gramsherbs (high quality trim mixed with crappy stuff is fine)OR15 grams budJust over 1 cup of oil
1 tblspsoy lecithin granulespreferably 3/4 coconut oil and 1/4 olive oil
this gives the best consistency and high
1Pre-heat oven to 220f / 100c
2Grind herbs finely and spread evenly and thinly in a pyrex casserole dish and cover well with tin foil over the edges only (not onto the bottom of the dish as well).
3Decarb finely ground herbs by placing in the PRE-heated oven for 20 - 30 mins (max). When timer goes off, TURN OFF oven and open oven door ever so slightly to allow dish to cool slowly and gently for a further 10 minutes. DO NOT remove tinfoil as this will allow some precious vapour to escape!).
4When timer goes of,f after 10 mins, remove dish of herbs to cool further at room temperature keeping tin foil on at all times! Pre-heat oven again to 220f / 100 c
5Melt solid oils (if using coconut oil) or warm liquid oil to ensure any potential water in the oil has been evaporated.
6Now carefully remove the tin foil from the dish. If it tears use a new piece to continue decarbing shortly.
7Sprinkle the lecithin evenly over the decarbed herb. Then pour over the oil. Give it a little mix. Cover .with the foil and place it back in the PRE_heated oven for 45 mins. (This is now half way through)
8After 45 mins, remove from the oven, leaving the oven on, and allow the dish to cool at room temperature for 10 - 15 mins. Once the temp has dropped and you can comfortably touch the dish, carefully open it, keeping the foil, and pres and mash the herb with a potato masher or the back of a large slotted spoon to loosen the material into the oil.
9Replace the foil , seal well as before and put back into the over for a further 45 mins.
10After 45 mins turn off the heat and keeping the oven door closed, allow the dish to cool for about half an hour.
11Now put the oil in the freezer. When completely frozen through, remove from the freezer and allow to defrost at ROOM TEMPERATURE.
12Pre-heat the oven again to 22of / 100c to liquidfy and thin the oil for better straining.
13Strain the oil, using muslin bags, into a storage container.
14Use immediately or store until needed.
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Once you have your Happy Oil next its' time to make your Happy Time Cookies

(Makes 36)
Dry Ingredients
2tspbaking powder
1cup brown sugar
Choco Chips
1pktchoco chips
Liquid Ingredients
1 .Sift the dry ingredients together.
2 .Stir in the choco chips and mix well.
3 .Mix the liquid ingredients together and add to the dry ingredients and choco chips stirring well until the mixture forms a ball of cookie dough.
4 .Put the cookie dough into the fridge for about half an hour.
5 .Turn on the oven to 170 c
6 .Take the cookie dough out of the fridge and form into small balls weighing 25g. This recipe makes 36 cookies.
7 .Press each ball of cookie dough flat and place into a paper cupcase and into a muffin baking tray.
8 .Set the time for 12 minutes.
9 .When timer rings check the cookies are a nice golden colour and remove from the oven.
10 .Let cookies cool completely.
11 .Take cookies out of the paper cases (which can be saved and used again).
12 .Store cookies in an airtight container.
If anyone wants this recipe in SPREADSHEET DOCUMENT format, please PM me and I'll send you a link. Print it out and put it in a plastic pocket to keep it clean and it will help you to make perfect canna cookies every time. Ones that will make you really really stoned :)

Using this method I can get more stoned than I would if I was smoking it.
This looks like a Bad Kitty smiles recipe for oil, definitely kass ass oil, I use a couple of her techniques myself. I made some blueberry muffins recently that were so strong, they were on the edge of my tolerance lol!

great post ty!

:Sharing One:
Hi Pop22

Yip I took a couple of her techniques and mixed it with my own.

Honestly I tried Bad Kitty Smiles and it wasn't as strong as my method! :D

But a couple of her tricks, like adding lecithin and keeping the erb covered to keep the terpines contained, I stole off her. It's been a process of trial and error own my own and I took couple of things off BKS and one other trick off another woman a long time ago (mixing water with the oil) as this allows you to extract more oil, which allows you too add more leaf, making it more potent.

Trust me make a batch of BadKittySmiles Cookies and make a batch of Happy Time Cookies and you'll see mine are stronger :)

I make mine and use a vaccum pack machine and I have these little cardboard boxes I have custom made to size. I make between 30-50 boxes at a time. My medical users love the cookies, love them. They'll buy 10 boxes at a time generally cus they last a long time since they are vegan (no eggs or butter to go bad) and vaccum packed, so they're sealed and fresh :)

I'm telling you man... no one beats my cookies. Maybe equals them, but doesn't beat. If you DO beat them then let me know! If I can make them better I want to know how :) It's very unlikely though ;) 15 years of cookie making... this is the result.
Sounds great! I'll be trying your oil recipe, as I love edibles.

:Sharing One:
I would love to hear your feedback Pop :)

The great thing about my recipe is 1) you can fit lots of herb into a relatively small oil content (which = high potency) 2) that fact you lose very little oil in the herb material because of all the excess water.

The coconut oil and lecithin are readily available to your body so it can absorb better making it appear to be more potent again.

The separation of the oil from the water is very easy after the water is frozen. If you use coconut oil and a little bit of olive oil it means the frozen water is pretty much clean and the consistancy of the oil is perfect.

After the cookies are baked and hardened the consistency of the coconut oil (i.e. it goes hard when cool) means the oil is locked into the cookies. It won't leech out onto your hands or anything you place them on or put them in. Adding a bit of olive oil actually gives them a better consistency again but still keeps the oil locked in as you're only using a bit of olive and mainly coconut.

Lastly that I can think of right now, canna oil lasts a lot longer than butter. I started off by making canna butter many years ago but gave that up as the butter can go moldy even in the fridge after a while.

So please do try it out and let me know what you guys think.
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Yeah man,sound killer there HH buddy.I brew a lot of oil and look for good recipes to tinker with as well.Thanks man.ill letcha know how I like em..lol"Stirring"
Yes I'm a fan of coc onut oil too. Got to wait until my grows are done beforev I can make any more, I recently used up my trim and the last of my buds, other than a few i kept for smoking. looks like the end of Sept. before I have more. But I still have a decent supply of oil for my capsules and cooking.
Food and weed are my two favorite things. This sounds incredible, thanks