Indoor happy frog or light warrior?

I don't use anything miracle gro makes. As long as its basic perlite with no additives it would be fine.
Miracle Gro perlite has slow release nutes in it so not recommended. Its hard to see that on the bag but its there.
Ok ill get different perlite still unsure about the HF or LW though
I've had some big problems with HF pH straight out of the bag...very barky, it was down in the 4's for me before layering with some lime and top dressing. All told I put about 1/4 cup of dolomite into a 10L pot to get my plant to grow...probably won't re-use that soil unless it's heavily mixed and amended.
i vote biobizz light mix +coir lol
havent tried either but hf seem to get better reviews out of the 2
Everyone has a different opinion I jus wanna get a safe buy..
Everyone has a different opinion I jus wanna get a safe buy..
Pro-Mix BX... that's as safe as it gets for seedlings. That's about the only mix I've seen people use on the site, with no concerns. All the Fox Farm products have performed well for me, and I use a lot of them when making my own mixes. I guess I'm just one of the luckiest guys in the world. :peace:
I've never really had problems with OF either but after joining here tins of people have said its too strong
Often times it seems that people get into trouble by following a few different people's advice- and there results are terrible. Fweedom, I'd suggest you look at the grows that people are doing- and find out if they are following the program they are recommending for you. I would also then look at results- and decide whose methodology appeals most to you- and stick with their advice.

If someone is saying "try biobizz and HF 50/50 with a couple scoops o poop and some perlite" but is growing ebb and flo...

Basically. If you start joes system- and hit a rough patch, don't start gettin advice how to fix it from 10 othe people. Get the advice from joe. Or take advice he agrees with. Pick someomes system that you can actually see is/has worked and follow it. I often times struggle to understand "why" or "how" something works until I actually can see it happen. By duplicating a proven method once, you'll be able to see how and why it works or doesnt in your setup, and be able to tweak to your specification but if you never pick a baseline to measure from youll spend lots of time chasing ec ppm and ph- withoit ever understanding whats happening in your system Good luck man.