Jun 19, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Anmesia Automatic from Zenseeds
Hallo my name is Christian :hippy:and i will represent here at AFN

First, a big thank's to all the AFN community for taking us on board.
Everybody at Zenseeds look forward to see there strains grown out in AFN member gardens .

To get it all started we kick it off with a cool Zenseeds photo competition only for AFN members.

Check out the thread named Zenseed's photo competition for details and prices.

We will also make treads specific for our different strains where AFN members can share
photos, strain specific info, nutrient demand and showcase there results of the different Zenseeds strains.

Lastly if you have any questions regarding Zenseeds pls make a tread or forward them to me :pass:

Kind 420 regards from

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Hi Christian, next time I'm in your shop, i'll be buying some of your genetics. I've had some great reviews from @Slowmo

u won't be disappointed m8 ...

i can't wait to run the OG Kush again ... luckily i have some beans waiting ...

I guess those will be my entry into [HASHTAG]#zenseeds[/HASHTAG] grow battle :eyebrows:

Hallo my name is Christian :hippy:and i will represent here at AFN

Hey Chris :d5: welcome to the cutting edge of auto's ... i know u are up to the challenge :headbang:

Funny how all the interest seem to be on the black widow ... another proof that AFN is racist .... we all love colours :thumbsup: but afn more than most :worship: :rofl:

Cheers :pass:
Hi Christian
@Slowmo I already ordered them Black Widow Auto :crying:racist yeah haha, though am totally open to all the other strains too.
If this widow goes well (and the freebies) I could though I probably already am going to be a regular patron to the Zenseeds - pricing is super aggressive which I like.