Guy Smiley Organics (Fully organic Soil/AACT building)

Hey eyes what brand t5 do you have.Thinking about a supplemental light for my veg.table.Peace.
yup,just planting and doing soil stuff AND my grow tests too.soo needless to say Im beat and VERY VERY stoned too,that grape crinkle lightly ambered is the sheeit man.aint even cured and its off zee chain gang :D

yeah it can be,but Im doing a lot of OD stuff as well as my regular grows LOL :D its just a lot since I staggered the two partial grows,just beatin me down. now that I got several harvested I soo wanna slack off and take a break but alas,LOL as ya do,we can LOL thanks bro, I had to grow them mini roses ,unique colors and patterns on the red one.will looks spectacular before long and next spring in my soil I bet it'll do lovely unless it rain for two months straighht again LOL Thanks agin man :)

Plant exudates[edit]
Plant exudates include saps, gums, latex, resin, and sometimes nectar is considered an exudate.[11] Plant roots exude a variety of molecules into the rhizosphere, including acids, sugars, polysaccharides and ectoenzymes; this can account for 40% of root carbon.[12] Exudation of these compounds has various benefits to the plant and to the microorganisms of the rhizosphere.[13]

Photosynthate partitioning is the deferential distribution of photosynthates to plant tissues. A photosynthate is the resulting product of photosynthesis, these products are generallysimple sugars,proteins and carbohydrates(that are called exudates).. These sugars that are created from photosynthesis are broken down to create energy for use by the plant. Sugar and other compounds move via the phloem to tissues that have an energy demand. These areas of demand are called sinks. While areas with an excess of sugars and a low energy demand are called sources. Many times sinks are the actively growing tissues of the plant while the sources are where sugars are produced by photosynthesis—the leaves of plants. Sugars are actively loaded into the phloem and moved by a positive pressure flow created by solute concentrations and turgor pressure between xylem and phloem vessel elements (specialized plant cells). This movement of sugars is referred to as translocation. When sugars arrive at the sink they are unloaded for storage or broken down/metabolized.[1]

The partitioning of these sugars depends on multiple factors such as the vascular connections that exist, the location of the sink to source, the developmental stage, and the strength of that sink. Vascular connections exist between sources and sinks and those that are the most direct have been shown to receive more photosynthates than those that must travel through extensive connections. This also goes for proximity those closer to the source are easier to translocate sugars to.[2] Developmental stage plays a large role in partitioning, organs that are young such as meristems and new leaves have a higher demand, as well as those that are entering reproductive maturity—creating fruits, flowers, and seeds.[3] Many of these developing organs have a higher sink strength. Those with higher sink strengths receive more photosynthates than lower strength sinks. Sinks compete to receive these compounds and combination of factors playing in determining how much and how fast sinks receives photosynthates to grow and complete physiological activities.