Guy Smiley Organics (Fully organic Soil/AACT building)

and some of the next round is already up n movin along. ;)

I certainly hope so bro lol! I forgot to add that when I am done a grow i cut the roots into about an inch long or so and mix up well and add add on improvement items and let compost for a cpl months a voila!! instant awesome yet again lol you can cut thee entire stalk up in itty bitty slices but my hands donw allow me to do thateasily so those small stalks go into the worm worker bins LOL!

I am soaking 2 chem n chush and 2 Fem sour mangos and ill leave 2 spaces open for something.something wicked this way comes LMFAO!! a cpl Silverberry bud shots LOL! and some plug style potting since its the easiest.

Great idea! I made the mistake last year of putting the whole medium into my worm bin, they did not like that at all and half of the worms up and left lmao! Now I have a healthy population again I'm def going to recycle the root system like this....once I start growing again that is :cheers:
I certainly hope so bro lol! I forgot to add that when I am done a grow i cut the roots into about an inch long or so and mix up well and add add on improvement items and let compost for a cpl months a voila!! instant awesome yet again lol you can cut thee entire stalk up in itty bitty slices but my hands donw allow me to do thateasily so those small stalks go into the worm worker bins LOL!

I am soaking 2 chem n chush and 2 Fem sour mangos and ill leave 2 spaces open for something.something wicked this way comes LMFAO!! a cpl Silverberry bud shots LOL! and some plug style potting since its the easiest.

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How big are the cups you use for the plug,and do you use different sizes for the size of the pot your using .That is a very good ideal .Peace
Yeah cutting and/or breaking stuff into smaller pieces..even pulping it too is excellent and speeds in composting and digestion and overall well being of a healthy population.ease of healthy food intake..ya buddy.that SUX your not growing man.when do ya think you might have a new chance/change ??

Those solo cups are 16oz. i often keep the lip or say 1/4 inch above the top of the pot so Im not quite using the entire cup. the only time I change is when Im outdoors. or doing an aggressive seed. with a #5 pot I use something like a 28oz. big gulp cup not using the top cpl inches or so. in a pinch I dig a hole large enough for my fist to fully fit in ,and thats also worked
I like the mat,i,ll have to check with the boss to see if we can afford one.LOL.If my plants look as good as yours it would not be a hard sell.Peace