Outdoor Growtogrow outside grow 2018

Neem cake? Spinosiad? I remember reading about these to control critters in soil but have no experience with it myself so i have no idea how to use it or if it works, maybe something to look into?

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Neem and karana are good in soil, I use them.
Neem and karana are good in soil, I use them.
Hey Dudeski [emoji481] [emoji482]
I have not tried neem cake in the soil.[emoji42] I maybe unknown to it.
I guess I just got this phobia that it's going to create some kind of undesirable flavor in my cannabis I might be wrong I may be wrong [emoji9]I don't know I've never used it yet[emoji58] but I was thinking about experimenting with it here maybe I'll order some and try it.
I have a lot of cannabis I know exactly what it taste like my folks who like it a lot. I don't want to wreck that with some kind of chemical. natural chemical or not. That's why I'm so freaky about using any chemicals on my cannabis even a treating pests especially when I'm in any kind of near flowering I just dread doing that.
I am all about enhancing flavor.
So I 'll try some after thanksgiving. I should be transplanting like a week or 2 into December. [emoji482]

So how much would you put in a 30 gallon fiber pot? Or about 4 qf of soil

Probably only a couple cups, doesn't take a lot. I'm sure there are mixing directions on the package. I think I used less than half a cup in 3 gallins
These are not the mealybugs i speak of lol. The one i am talking about live in the rootzone like root aphids.
How to kill Mealybugs bugs


'Carpe diem et fumum veriditas'
These are not the mealybugs i speak of lol. The one i am talking about live in the rootzone like root aphids.

'Carpe diem et fumum veriditas'
Okay sorry about that I kind of thought they were one in the same but they're not you'll have to check what kind of pesticide you can use in your area but here's the best knowledge I've found so far and I'll continue to look cuz it might deal with them to fight sometime in the future cuz I seem not to have very good luck with pests or maybe I do have good luck with pest cuz I had a lot of them LOL
But there's some creative ideas there and I'm also experimenting right now on my crop inside to help kill some other bugs I'm actually using rubbing alcohol and water and soap mix this is something I've never used before and I sprayed it on one of my plants yesterday to test it to make sure it works or not and so far so good the plant looks very healthy very vigorous and where I spray that has killed everything but the eggs I'll let you know on this one to actually very good natural remedy and also that hydrogen peroxide and water mix that works good for a preventative as a foliar spray and as a drench good luck bro and happy growing

Thanks bro found that same info when i researched this pest. Haha i got luck with bugs too they seem to love my plants. Right now i have aphids and also spidermites . Spraying to keep their numbers down . I used to use a rubbing alcohol water mixture to spray them off with.
Okay sorry about that I kind of thought they were one in the same but they're not you'll have to check what kind of pesticide you can use in your area but here's the best knowledge I've found so far and I'll continue to look cuz it might deal with them to fight sometime in the future cuz I seem not to have very good luck with pests or maybe I do have good luck with pest cuz I had a lot of them LOL
But there's some creative ideas there and I'm also experimenting right now on my crop inside to help kill some other bugs I'm actually using rubbing alcohol and water and soap mix this is something I've never used before and I sprayed it on one of my plants yesterday to test it to make sure it works or not and so far so good the plant looks very healthy very vigorous and where I spray that has killed everything but the eggs I'll let you know on this one to actually very good natural remedy and also that hydrogen peroxide and water mix that works good for a preventative as a foliar spray and as a drench good luck bro and happy growing


'Carpe diem et fumum veriditas'
The blueberry from seedsman smoke report.
So I call it the mutant blueberry now and it's almost all gone if you remember from reading about the blueberryin this Journal it was the mutant that grew very funny it was a monster cropped blueberry that accidentally got reveg in May and I continue to grow it out it look like a little shrub.
She produced about quarter pound a very high intensity indica I call it Sleepytime weed super relaxing super tasty everybody who has tried it likes it and wants more and not sure if I can recreate this one I know how it happened but rather I can recreate the exact way it happened not sure but I got a pretty good idea and I will try again probably this spring I may try and do for five of them just so that I can get a good harvest.
So the smoke has a very tasty earthy tone unlike the regular blueberry genetics that she comes from. But the monster cropping and the revage change the flavors a lot. It still has the blueberry undertones but they're more earthy it's much more stimmy and not hard dank buds but little tiny buds that makeup like big buds I don't know how else to explain it they're kind of like stick hand fans that Clump together but put that all aside it's a phenomenal relaxing pain-reducing paranoia reducing it's great for those things that I can tell so far when I smoke it super relaxed a sandwich and I'm out like a light not recommended for operating Machinery or doing any driving. Its definitely a sit and watch TV kind of buzz.
Short term memory loss is definitely associated with this weed.

Hey AFN [emoji481][emoji482]Funny thing I keep putting my drying cannabis in these large boxes they are actually a wardrobe U-Haul boxes very tall and pretty big so I'm rummaging around inside one of these boxes the other day and found a whole damn sage and sour mutant plant in one of them a mutant sage and sour must have been a a half pound so it smokes pretty good I am here to tell you and I was high for really long time pain-relieving qualities outstanding cuz I was having a real hard time with my shoulder Friday and Saturday due to the weather we were having I guess or maybe its the PTS ? but revegging sage and sour turned out to be a kind of a good thing and the blueberry as well so this may be something that I do in the future if my patient clients decide they really want more of this it's not really that hard to do it's just the buds don't look right they're stemi they're not dank they smell good plenty of freaking resin on them like overloads so in conclusion it wasn't a bad thing to do it just freaked me out a whole lot we're good though and growing on this will probably be the last update I think I've gave an all the smoke reports on everything I grew in the outside garden if not somebody let me know having short term memory loss right now LOL[emoji482]
