Thanks man for making the world a better n more beautiful place.

I guess you find those people who just dumped their stuff anywhere they want to.... ....everywhere in the world...
I was reading a storey the other day how this farmer over in England somewhere and that people keep dumping trash on his property all the time.. He cleans it up.. And another dumping happens.
The farmer says 2 or more times a week. He keeps taking the authorities to prosecute these people. (there's so many) and the authorities aren't... well they just aren't doing their job..The story was on Google just a few days ago.
So we have the same problem here and apparently it's everywhere with people that just don't care....and with..recycle and trash cans every where... I don't get my area recycling commercials are on the TV every day. The majority of it is free.
I don't get it man.

I know if I had a spot where POS would keep dumping on my land.
I would put some nail strips down in the most common areas. Pop a few tires... You don't get nothing for free...

That's how we cought the mail box maahers back in the day. Just down the road from my father's farm. I had a small farm in the 80s. We all kept getting our mailboxes smashed one summer.
So I told my mail carrier to put my mail in my father's box. And not to come by my box no more. And so she did...then I laid out nail strips in my mailbox carrier Wheel tracks where my mailbox was was a little bit off the road so you had to get off the road to get to it a little bit.
So They come through one night a few night's later and they smashed all the boxes on the road and they got mine too that night.
My neighbor l and my father they had seen them in the middle of the night and they took off in Chase in their pickup trucks after calling the cops. (Back then there wasn't cell phone so they had to call before they left LOL). But they caught up with them by the mile and a half away with two flat tires on the right hand side of their car.. A group of kids.. They ended up having to pay for 56 mailboxes that they smashed all together that night... Or will be prosecuted with federal crime and put in prison and pay for all them mailboxes... So they had a choice
We were all happy the prosecutor the cops the community.
Those kids learned a valuable lesson I'm sure.
But that's the hillbilly country way to handel them. Dumpers