Lighting Growmax 240 test 4K

Quick update. With the lights back up at 60” the girls r back at it. Running 22/2 to give some dark but not let temps drop too much. When lights r on temp and humidity r good. Started another mango smile in a cup like I usually do to see if she goes any faster.
@slowandeasy these growmax lights. Lowered to 40” and no good for seedlings. Always started at 36” with my autocobs and even the blurple. I raised these back up to 60” above and that’s good. I also think I overwatered lol rookie mistake and I shoulda started in cups. I started the alfs and triangle dragons 3 to a pot because they’re regs.
Wow, that looks like a VERY even light display by the pictures. Kind of alarming you are 5ft above and they are too strong. What is the suggested lamp distance? Hope it works out well!
Wow, that looks like a VERY even light display by the pictures. Kind of alarming you are 5ft above and they are too strong. What is the suggested lamp distance? Hope it works out well!
I’m sure it will be fine once past seedling stage. What I think would be perfect and I’ll try next run is a dimmer down to half strength and at 36”. The driver is dimmable so I just have to pick one up. Then slowly raise the power and fixture as needed. Good way to save some power and control height a little.
They put off very little heat I believe the highest temp readings I got at the fixture was like 113. But average was high 90’s. I’ll get the gun out again and shoot it some more and get more readings.
I’m sure it will be fine once past seedling stage. What I think would be perfect and I’ll try next run is a dimmer down to half strength and at 36”. The driver is dimmable so I just have to pick one up. Then slowly raise the power and fixture as needed. Good way to save some power and control height a little.
I would absolutely do that. Good luck. Will be following!
I looked up the lutron diva dvtv and it says it’s for flouros. @Ripper did u ever pick up or find a dimmer.
No I never did get a dimmer. I want a potentiometer that I can hook both of my drivers to at the same time.
Wow, that looks like a VERY even light display by the pictures. Kind of alarming you are 5ft above and they are too strong. What is the suggested lamp distance? Hope it works out well!
I have two of these lights ts in my 5x5 and I put the lights at the very top and the plants in there are nice, fat and healthy. My white widow will give me a pound easy from her alone. These lights get it done.
I have two of these lights ts in my 5x5 and I put the lights at the very top and the plants in there are nice, fat and healthy. My white widow will give me a pound easy from her alone. These lights get it done.
The coverage looks very WALL TO WALL! Nice looking set up. 2 in a 5x5 must be blinding! What is the spectrum?