New Grower Growing Windowsill

Sep 8, 2016
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Hello all.
Basicly me and my girlfriend are moving to our new apartment next week and we have been living at her fathers house for about 2-3months now. With that said, my green fingers got to excited and i dropped down a Quick One seed from RQS some days ago and it broke the soil on 4/20 (HEHE).

Now its starting to really raise up the neck and are standing 2cm tall approx, the question is, im not able to get my light up until next week and i figured since its the time of the year where we have more sun hours than any other time of the year i might aswell grow it in the windowsill as a project until it needs a lightsource/or keep it in the window cause i wanna see what it generates.
The biggest question is, we have around 35-40% humidity inside the house and ive been using the top of a 2l coke bottle to keep the humidity at its best for the germinating&earlyseedlingstage.
My question is, is it okey with 35%? Will the seedling survive or nah?
And if you have some tips and tricks to maintain the best possible outta this, just comment.

Elias Johansson
Hello all.
Basicly me and my girlfriend are moving to our new apartment next week and we have been living at her fathers house for about 2-3months now. With that said, my green fingers got to excited and i dropped down a Quick One seed from RQS some days ago and it broke the soil on 4/20 (HEHE).

Now its starting to really raise up the neck and are standing 2cm tall approx, the question is, im not able to get my light up until next week and i figured since its the time of the year where we have more sun hours than any other time of the year i might aswell grow it in the windowsill as a project until it needs a lightsource/or keep it in the window cause i wanna see what it generates.
The biggest question is, we have around 35-40% humidity inside the house and ive been using the top of a 2l coke bottle to keep the humidity at its best for the germinating&earlyseedlingstage.
My question is, is it okey with 35%? Will the seedling survive or nah?
And if you have some tips and tricks to maintain the best possible outta this, just comment.

Elias Johansson
Greetings from sunny Denmark. Keep her rootball warm, enough light as possible, she'll be fine.
Greetings from sunny Denmark. Keep her rootball warm, enough light as possible, she'll be fine.
Thanks for fast reply! Ah okey, is there a way to do it? Or just make sure she doesnt get put on cold surfaces? :)
Thanks for fast reply! Ah okey, is there a way to do it? Or just make sure she doesnt get put on cold surfaces? :)
Try to catch the morning sun, warm the pot up. The roots develop better in warmer temps. Keep the window closed. During the day, temps aint really an issue, at night, I used to put my pots on the floor in our dining room, we have underfloor heating, that was perfect. Then i'd move them on the windowsill to catch the early morning sun. This is just for the first few weeks, allow her to get established, then just leave her to do her thing :pass:
Try to catch the morning sun, warm the pot up. The roots develop better in warmer temps. Keep the window closed. During the day, temps aint really an issue, at night, I used to put my pots on the floor in our dining room, we have underfloor heating, that was perfect. Then i'd move them on the windowsill to catch the early morning sun. This is just for the first few weeks, allow her to get established, then just leave her to do her thing :pass:

Thanks man, i really appriciate it, ill try to update with some pictures in the next week.
Until then lets hope for the best, thanks again man!! :) :meds:
Thanks man, i really appriciate it, ill try to update with some pictures in the next week.
Until then lets hope for the best, thanks again man!! :) :meds:
Anytime mate. Good luck!
Hey guys just wondering on your thoughts on croping a auto glueberry og is it ok or or be best just to leave it. Some help would be much aporeciated?
Hey guys just wondering on your thoughts on croping a auto glueberry og is it ok or or be best just to leave it. Some help would be much aporeciated?
Id say tuck leaves in rather than to clipp em off, leaves are sunpanels more or less!!
A windowsill grow, is there anything better on a rainy day? Good luck:pass: