New Grower Growing White Widow Autos: Pt 2

Dec 19, 2020
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Growing White Widow Autos: Pt 2

I am back, been absent for awhile. I am currently 6 weeks into my 2nd White Widow Auto Grow. The first grow didn't go as I thought it would, but we all been through some bad grows its part of the learning curve so I didn't take it as a loss but a learning lesson to autos but I think i am catching on. I have learned a few things about autos you have to start early and be quick about and most of all try not to stress them that much. To start off with this grow I did some changes a lot of changing:
1st: I made an automatic drip/watering system for 6 of them to save my back trying to water 6-5 Gal fabric pots.
2nd: I got a new light for them a HLG 600 Rspec, had to get it it was on sale for like $200 off could not pass that down.
3rd: A new fan, A Infinity T6, the other 6'' fan that I have is being used as an inline fan
4th: not using liquid nutrient on this grow, but have been using powder fertilizer from the same local company as the last grow {Meigs Fertilizer Company} Formula 1: Veg/Grow , Formula 2: Bud/Bloom , worm castings, kelp meal, calcium, Sugar Shack, A Powdered Sugar, Root Mass XL, Endo/Ecto Mycorrhizal Inoculant, and Photo Max XL, Photosynthesis Enhancer
5th: Training----LST, topping and Fimming. what I learned from FIM is that it works or it dosnt
6th: soil-mix with FFOF/FFHF and some lime
so here they are:
4 WEEKS.jpg
4 WKS 1.jpg
4 WKS 2.jpg
4 WKS 3.jpg
4 WKS 4.jpg
5 WKS 2.jpg
5 WKS.jpg
6 wks 3.jpg
6 wks.jpg
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Nice set up.. :thumbsup: