Interesting. The place that I bought them from gave instructions to put it on foliage.
Mite-A is a highly active predator of thrips, especially onion thrips, Thrips tabaci, Western flower trips, Frankliniella occidentalis, New Zealand flower thrips, Thrips obscuratus and other thrips species. Mite-Awill also eat two spotted spider mite and other mite species, including broad...
It either comes in bran in a tube or in little envelopes you hang off the plant. Takes about a week before I see results.
This time I've put them around the base as well as on the leaves. I've got some young seedlings that I really want to protect. My other plant (big bud auto) got attacked badly, which made a huge impact on its growth (i assume).
A friend suggested emptying out the tent and bleaching the tent, to me that didn't make any sense as they'll already be in the soil. I think when I'm done with my current grows in a few months i'll start fresh with everything as well as cleaning out the tent thoroughly (maybe not bleach though lol). Gonna give DWC a go anyways.
Thanks everyone for your encouraging replies to a pretty silly thread. It's a nice change to what I'm used to.