New Grower Growing in hot hot summer?

you can still grow. Keep plenty of air moving over your plants with a good fan. You could get a misting fan like used in greenhouses also, but I expect they may be a bit pricey. Keep them well watered and you should be fine.

I was going to buy a misting fan when I saw one but I thought it would cause moisture and humidity problems in the grow tent.
Do you think it would be ok in a grow tent?
I was going to buy a misting fan when I saw one but I thought it would cause moisture and humidity problems in the grow tent.
Do you think it would be ok in a grow tent?
I would not mist all day and night. Keep the fans going when the mister is off. You will need to check your plants very close every day. I wouldn't mist after the buds have grown dense. Plants can stand wet, just not prolonged wet.
I'm doing the same thing as most have already posted. 12/12 lights with on from 5pm to 5am. and lots of air movement with a tower fan and a small intake fan and a big exhaust. my rh this time of year is rather high so a mist fan would ruin it for me. just a small de-humidifier that uses a peltier element. the air it pumps out is a bit cooler than the tent temp. not enough to make any difference. my temps have been consistent at 86-88f for the high with outside temps in the high 90s. you wont know till you try. good luck and I hope this helps
O ya I use to run my lights at night and lights out during the hottest part of day.
Fan always ran.
Check this out! It's a DIY air conditioner! Simple, cheap and it evidently works!

If you check on YouTube, there are lot of different versions of how to do the same basic build. Temps are approaching 100 degrees in western Oregon, and I'm seriously thinking of building one of these myself.
I had to harvest early cuz the temps in lane county are way above the norm . I wouldn't sow a seed until the temps go down but I am supa poor and can't afford to wAste soil seeds and all I gotta make my grows run perfect I can't afford not to lol
Tell me about it! They're way above normal in Clackamas Co. too! I've lived here all my life, and never seen it this hot, this long in Oregon. I've decided to wait to plant my beans too.

Hope you stay cool, bro...
Ditto man I have lived here all my life I rep Oregon hard down for the blue and yellow not used to Cali weather round here.