Week 3
Cultivators Club
I mixed in some nutes today. Figured it wouldnt hurt going into week four. I added 10ml cal mag, 40ml micro grow and bloom(AN) to 20 gallons of r/o water and PhD up to 6.5. Watered each until a decent amount of runnoff. Run off tested a bit more acidic than the water going in. Around 6.0. Most of the plants are doing good. Im seeing issues from 1 of the Red poisons. It's really light green and has orange spots. And 1 of the purple haze has similar spots. Im assuming I let those 2 get a little to dry. They are the smallest plants so roots may not have been as deep as the rest. I'll know more in a few days. The rest are doing ok. Really starting to take off. Most are in preflower. Im hoping I have a jungle to take a picture of next week.