Outdoor Growing autos in september



Hi auto-lovers!
This year I thought to try some autos outdoors and see how they work. I know that the days are each day shorter and at night the temperature is down but I believe that autos can still say something :smokeit:

I'm trying some Jet 47 from flash seeds and a cross of mine : LR x Dc/LR. Mostly I want to do is make a selection an a small pollination :booya:

have a nice day!
If your in the UK I would think you would hit the first frosts you could use regular seeds as the will flower from seedlings anyway

I think you would struggle in a heated green house
Hi agito!
I'm in the south of Europe so the first frosts will delay a litlle. Here the sun shines almost all days:cool:
If the cold arrives early I'll make a litlle greenhouse or something...

Thanks for your visit!
I've grown autos outdoors here in TN well into November. If they were calling for frost I would simply move them indoors at night and put them back out the next day. Growth will slow down as the weather cools, especially if your roots get cold. Personally I wouldn't start anything that wouldn't finish by the first of November.
Muddy thanks for your visit!
I'll try to keep the cold controlled mostly in the roots :D

Thanks for your information!

A rapid update.
The white squared pot is Jet 47 (put in soil in 10/9)
The small roun pots and the litlle yellow are Lr x DC/LR (put in soil in 12/9)
Growth will slow down as the weather cools.
Do you mean they will delay in maturing? or do they finish at the same time but with less growth overall. or a bit of both?

I started some NL autos which are now 56 days old at lat 53N. Looking green and healthy, but not much bud growth.

I am not expecting much and just did it as a tester, if I get a few few grams its paid for my seeds, soil and ferts.
I had to know so this year I have planted some qutos outside on the first of September in one of my raised beds vac ated by my Super Cali Haze. I planted 6 a mix of some of the shorter ones. They are all showing sex and are all females. They were all showing there first real leaves as they headed out. Don't know if they will make it but what the hell at least I will know if it is worth while. The weather is truly beyond my control but they are saying it is going to be a late fall here in Southern Quebec. We will see if they are right.

Do you mean they will delay in maturing? or do they finish at the same time but with less growth overall. or a bit of both?

I started some NL autos which are now 56 days old at lat 53N. Looking green and healthy, but not much bud growth.

I am not expecting much and just did it as a tester, if I get a few few grams its paid for my seeds, soil and ferts.
I've grown autos outdoors here in TN well into November. If they were calling for frost I would simply move them indoors at night and put them back out the next day. Growth will slow down as the weather cools, especially if your roots get cold. Personally I wouldn't start anything that wouldn't finish by the first of November.
Im going to experiment with some JEM's in October here in Texas. They will be in a greenhouse though.
Im finishing the roof and ridge cap Sat. Wife is placing missing panes of glass. It will be closed in then, just need to install the environmental controls and shelving.

These were grown up to sex under lights then stuck outdoor..on 9.5 hour natural light...January...(which is the lowest part of my season..)

I don't Feed in the really cold months..cause their transpiration is so Low..it tends to cause Mold.

I bring them in if I have torrential rain..just to avoid them getting wet and causing dampening off problems.

I got caught with them out in s Storm..it Killed the Tomato..
the girls just shrugged it off.

I Didn't get BIG DENSE buds..but hey...9.5 hours...and temps down as far as minus 4 o'C..I'm Laughing what ever I get...:smokebuds:

and You are only 20 minutes away from Me...

Have a great weekend...and get them Germed....:smoke: