New Grower GrowBox should i do it? need answers please

If you have the money and want to spend it that way sure! but IMO you could go way cheaper building it yourself :)
Hi, C Owl :) That's quite a grow cab, there. Are there functional reasons why you're looking at a cabinet setup, versus a tent? I'm thinking you could outfit a tent (thinking a 4x4x6.5 foot) with the whole shooting match for under $1000, including nutes and meters-and not cheap gear, either.. Not putting down that cabinet-great little turn key system there, but a lot of that price is for glitter and convenience.
Let me now if you'd like to look into a tent setup, and we could PM some ideas :)
Best to you! :Sharing One:
I just need something that is stealth doesn't smell and is energy efficient I contacted them and they said it runs 3.2 amps if I ran it 20/4 it would generally raise my Electric bill $25

It comes with a 16 slot superponics system should I fill every slot with a plant or how many should I fill?

The cab has 400w equivalent Kind led that is a yoyo fixture and T5 Side lighting the box dimensions are 3ft x 2ft x 6ft and should I look into pest control? If so any recommendations
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The cab is 36"x24" ... that's about right for two small or medium autos or 1 full sized auto ... if you're into high end gadgetry the cab looks sweet but a $200 LED in a closet could do the job about as efficiently ...
The cab is 36"x24" ... that's about right for two small or medium autos or 1 full sized auto ... if you're into high end gadgetry the cab looks sweet but a $200 LED in a closet could do the job about as efficiently ...

I have as cab thats 50"x22'x22'. I have a 180 watt MarsHydro UFO style light that works great for this space. I paid I think $84 shipped for it.
That growbox from supercloset is a great stealthy idea, but the carbon scrubber is actually a Odorsok, which IMO suck something awful! Not trying to be rude, but I have owned them and you will get about 1/3 of the way through your grow and they will give out and you just took your stealth cabinet for a stroll to every neighbor in town! Yeah, they are that bad! Google them, reviews are bad. I have the Herb dryer from superclosets. I have to say, that dry bow is the bees knees AFTER I put a Phresh filter in it! The 6 inch oder sok didn't even get my through 4 days of drying! I would go with something different, personally.

from a dollar standpoint, Waximus just gave you the best option your money will buy!
Alright I'm getting what your saying here now so should I go for a guerilla tent? I'm going to put it in a shed like an 8x12 or 10x12 I would still like to go DWC and use led for cost effectiveness could I grow more than 2 autos this way? Also the carbon filter is it just for masking exhaust or will it mask the smell in the whole shed?
Hey Owl Like they say a DIY setup will give you much more bang for your buck. But if you don't have the time, skills or whatever for DIY and you decide to go with a prefab cab, at least give this cab a look before you buy. I looked at the ones in your link but I found the link below. This is what I bought. Better product IMO
I think the guerrilla tent would be better then the box personally.
My buddy was going to make the same cab from scratch for 900 USD but, went with a 5x5 tent + mh/hps ..carbon filter/fan combo etc. More bang for his buck, Now he has way more space then the cab. He is a very happy camper, and on his first auto grow.

If you did go with a box, I would try to get one where you could custom fit a small 4inch carbon filter + fan combo in there. Or even one that comes with it.

w/e the descision. I know your going to enjoy growing. Make sure to make a journal, and let us know. Ill sub up. Oh, and I forgot to say welcome to AFN.
"AFN smoke out":vibes::styles rasta: