Lighting Grow Progress; Nirvana Auto Blue Mystic; first grow so C&C

  • Thread starter Thread starter WisdomKarp
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Wow,I checked it on it just there and it's doing great, I swear it grew an inch in 14 hours o.o; :D
Bad news.
After perking up briefly and growing said inch-ish, the plant seems to have wilted again and the new growth seems to be curling a bit. Is it possible it's since a lot of the nutes were washed out? Here's some pics.
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Also, in that last pic, someone confirm that that's some female preflowers I'm looking at?

I was also just about to repot into a slightly larger and more spacious square pot, making up the difference in size with enriched soil. Should I go ahead with this? Also, the soil is still moist about a 1-2cm down, and I haven't even started brewing my compost tea, should I knock forward the schedule and start it now (to feed tomorrow?).

Thanks again for all your help =)
Okay, an update, I've done what I said I'd do earlier, and since it's about time, according to various things I've read(correct me if I'm wrong), I've switched to a 2700K bulb to hopefully get it to flower so I can at least get something off this plant.
I've got a nutrient tea bubbling away, been doing so for the last 24 hours, and I'm going to give it another 12 or so before I feed, and that will be it's first watering in about five days, though the transplanted soil was quite moist, but the top 2-3cm of the soil has dried, so it seems fine, as far as I know.

It's day 38. Thing is though, I still don't know if it's even female or if those are pre-flowers I was looking at in the last pic on my previous post, so some help would be appreciated =(.
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How long does it take to start flowering? Since it's not showing any signs yet, I think that, despite me balancing the soil at 6.5, there's still been a fair amount of damage done to the plant as you can see below.
I've read contradictory things about this though, some say stress will make it auto faster, others say it'll make it auto later, which is it?

Again, thanks if anyone replies, this noob appreciates it ^^;
Hey all. I've been relatively quiet since since setting up the scrog the plant has been looking well and stuff, and so I've generally been keeping myself busy.
Then I looked at it and somepoint in the last 24 hours, the entire plant seems to have just given up =(. I last watered two days ago, 6.5 in, 6.7 out all seemed well, there was even a brief growth spurt the morning after.
As you may recall, some of the lower leaves were a bit screwed, but nothing major.
Some of the new growths at the nodes seem to be doing okay, but the larger leaves seem to all have died or started dying. The lower leaves had always been like that due to my bad start, but this is far beyond that. Any hope for her left or should I just uproot it and add her to my compost? =(.
This is day 44.
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As you can see it, all very limp as well, which it wasn't about 24 hours ago. I also changed the light back to 6500K to try and encourage a bit of vegetative growth, around about when I put the scrog in. It seemed to be doing alright with it now.
Wait, I just thought of one thing that changed. I added a heaped teaspoonfull of dolomite lime to the water, just so when it got into the soil it could act as a buffer for the pH in future. It didn't change the pH much (0.1) and it was my understanding that dolomite lime took half a year to break down. It was ground to a fine powder though. Also, that last feed that was on the 30th, I did put a fairly large spoon of molasses into it, could too much molasses cause something like this?
Any help would be appreciated =/. Even if it is just to confirm that I should just give up and stick to sourcing my medication from the mafia..
Hi WisdomKarp,

It's a shame your Blue Mystic isn't doing well. Don't give up just because of one grow though!

The pics below are my Blue Mystic auto. Shes ~54 days from cracking the soil now. I'm thinking about harvesting in the next week or so, depending on the trichomes (I estimate 95% milky, 5% clear as of 10 minutes ago).

For the first 30 days or so she only had 45 watts of light. As time went on I have upgraded my box, there was no ventilation until around a week ago so I'm quite impressed at how she has coped. No nutes added, no ph checking, just basic potting soil I picked up from local home depot (note: it did say that there were nutes already added to support 10 months of plant growth). I did do a little bit of l.s.t however, it was around day 40 when she was about to outgrow my lights. I bent the main cola down. Apart from that, all I did was water it with tap water every few days.

Some issues I had:
- She kept growing into my lights, as a result she has burns everywhere, as you can probably see.
- I believe she has a magnesium deficiency, as there as brown spots on a lot of the leaves.

Anywhoo, here are the pics, enjoy :


If you are wondering what the container is, it's a 9litre bucket cut about 1/3 of the way from the bottom with holes pierced for the water to escape. Also, on the bottom, a thin layer of gravel I found outside for better drainage
:jump::jump: :smokeit:

edit:I currently have ~100w of light at the moment, 40w being 6400k, the rest 2700k.
Thanks for the encouragement. Your ladies are looking good though =).

And don't worry, I'm not giving up, I've got another seed planted already, it's been 3 days though, hasn't shown, but that's not unusual. Soil looks like it's drying out though, so I'm considering spraying the top layer of soil with some ph-ed, dechlorinated tap water. Hopefully things will go better this time around.

For those who replied in this thread thanks again =). In all my failures, I've learned a lot about what not to do, so take 2 should go better xD. Theoretically.