Grow Light Schedule 18/6 to 12/12

May 31, 2022
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So don't know if this is a stupid question or not but here I go....
With autoflowers when they start to flower and bud does the light cycle do anything? I was thinking if I went from my 18/6 to 12/12 would it help? Hurt? Or what?
Yes, switching to 12/12 should persuade flowering.
For years, I've vegged autos/photos under 24/0 for 3 weeks, then moved to a 12/12 flower area for blast off. Sure reduces overall costs without much loss in yeild. Easier to control all variables too.
So reducing light would give me less yield?
Well yes, reduced light schedule would reduce yeild so it's important to get the DLI right for 12/12. I run 40- 50 DLI throughout flower and have no reason to up my schedule. My only goal is healthy plants. Yeild will follow.
That being said, years ago, I ran tests on schedules and while yeilds increased with increasing schedules, so did the costs association in care, elec etc...sooooooo, I haven't run more than 12/12 since. Now I care for my veg and flower area in the AM, and let the inkbird/acinfinity controls take care of the rest while I burn some of the evidence. You know, weed grows itself...and I have fun doin it.
Well yes, reduced light schedule would reduce yeild so it's important to get the DLI right for 12/12. I run 40- 50 DLI throughout flower and have no reason to up my schedule. My only goal is healthy plants. Yeild will follow.
That being said, years ago, I ran tests on schedules and while yeilds increased with increasing schedules, so did the costs association in care, elec etc...sooooooo, I haven't run more than 12/12 since. Now I care for my veg and flower area in the AM, and let the inkbird/acinfinity controls take care of the rest while I burn some of the evidence. You know, weed grows itself...and I have fun doin it.
Well said and what was the difference in average loss on yield? I'm new so fill me in on DLI? I've been trying to keep my par close to where it should be. I'm open to everyone's input/advice.
On DLI, you'll have to research it to get details....all that is over this old farts head, I just plant and grow......but use a mobile download PPFD METER (I think) that measures DLI and PPFD per your set light schedule. probably not real accurate but it is something to go by. Helps to make use of lights and distance per stage of growth.
On loss of's been a while but I remember the loss of yeild is lots less percentage than the loss in overall cost. IOW, the law of diminishing returns fits well here. Themore you spend to grow a plant, the less you gain %wise. There is always a threshold and the goal is to find the space between....
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