Lighting Grow light recommendations

Amazon product. This is one light Iooked into. I also looked into a 600 hps with dimmer switch

OK well right off the picture that show a while greenhouse; the lights are photoshopped in, poorly at that. It may be a personal thing but that sets off my bull shit detector. They claim 1500 watt!!! A little reading says it draws 260 watt, so it's a 269 watt light of moderate to questionable quality. For that price you can get one autocob.
I may look into a 600 hps to start with. The tent will be in a spare room with a exhaust fan. And the inline 6inch fan will be vented outside. Will upgrade as time goes on, but just starting out without knowing if I will keep with it I'd hate to drop 1000's
I may look into a 600 hps to start with. The tent will be in a spare room with a exhaust fan. And the inline 6inch fan will be vented outside. Will upgrade as time goes on, but just starting out without knowing if I will keep with it I'd hate to drop 1000's
A 600 watt would grow a 4x4 nicely. Venting out is good, beware of odor. Get a cool tube type of fixture that will help a lot with heat.
There are so many good LED solutions out there, it's very overwhelming. HID is proven tech if a bit cumbersome, you will grow nice plants.
Don't discount CMH I'm running one unit and it is creating some really nice light.
Have fun! We'll be here if you have any specific questions about almost anything!

I'm currently testing some amazing lights ES-300 from The Green Sunshine Co. There's a link in my posts, Autocobs are a local legend and most excellent value, there are a few more being tested here. I'm starting up a Folux 120 watt LED panel test shortly with three growers here. I just started the thread. Make use of those threads and ask the growers. When you are ready for the investment you will know what you want!
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Planning an air cooled reflector head. Charcoal scrubber, light, fan then out
Another option is one that depends on your DIY skills, I've seen people elsewhere do well with the likes of Bridgelux EB led strips, knocking up a decent light for 100 bucks or so. Wouldn't be enough for your 4*4, but two of them would be around your budget.

So you're looking at going HID, or maybe upping your budget a little to make sure you have enough to DIY a good strip build.