Lighting Grow light recommendations

Oct 8, 2018
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Looking for light ideas for a 4 by 4 tent that won't break the bank.

I have looked at so many lights and reviews I have drove myself crazy. I will be running a 6inch 440cfm fan, heat output of lights wont be an issue. I have looked into cob lights but being my first grow trying not to go broke buying everything at once.

Any input is greatly appreciated. I have no preference over led/hps/ or others
Please define "won't break the bank"

Otherwise it's going to be "beer and popcorn time" because you'll get all sorts of answers.

So, basically, we know the space, so now it comes down to how many plants and budget
I was looking at likely 3 fo 5 plants at a time, using 5gal smart pots. Would prefer to stay under 200usd to start with. Not trying to go huge just recreational grow for a new hobby.
Mars hydro, Roleadro, Meizen(not sure about spelling) are all good lights.
You don't mention where your from.. i'd start searching craigs for someone selling gear. That's what i'v done and ended up with good ballasts, hoods on a budget for near new equipment.

I just upgraded to 5 autocobs from Cobshop,net in my 4x4.. start saving!
Man, that's a lot of space to cover well. Four autocobs would cover it but I think that's 350-400 More than your budget. You know if just starting maybe a smaller, higher quality light and fewer plants may be the ticket. Light is really nothing to skimp on or add as a second thought. It always seems to end up being more expensive, usually by being replaced!
Another thing to think of is used. I know it opens up a huge can of crap, but I bet you could get some decent HID gear and a new bulb would work nicely. HID or LED is heat and will heat up the room the tent is in too so be aware of that.
I know you are going to get lots of advice but my best advice to you is look at value, the least expensive will not give you the value that something tht costs a bit more but does a better job, last longer, etc.
Peace and happy growing,
Its going to be hard to find what you're looking for for under $200. MAYBE a DIY cob kit.. But that price range won't cover a 4x4 tent. Used hps gear could be an option.. A 600w hps could cover that space. But the LEDs and Cobs you will find for under $200 are suited for much smaller spaces. If $200 is a hard set budget, have you considered downsizing your tent? There are a few really good $200 options for a 2x2 or maybe even 3x3 space.
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I would go with a 600w HPS, should cover a 4x4 pretty good... save your money over then next couple of grows and upgrade at a later date to some kick ass COB or Quantum Broad LED's... the LED's that are around that $200 are not going to give you the coverage or yield a 600w hps can for the same price