Indoor Grow 1.5 : Auto Jack Herer & Biodiesel Mass & Bag Seed Plant

Aug 25, 2015
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[Author's Note, I started this journal on another site, and am recreating it here because I've just been checking in here so much reading all the good tips and info. I'm here to learn and help - any feedback along the way is appreciated. Many thanks!]

Hello Autoflowerers!

My goal to keep it simple, so I chose soil over coco, and am trying to source my supplies locally and at a reasonable cost (keep wife happy) ;-) ... May other goal is excellent results, and learning. (This has got to be the coolest science project, ever! )

This is my first journal... and first 'real' grow. This is actually my '2nd' grow attempt. However, the first was 30 years ago in a apartment bedroom closet with old-school CF's and it was fun but ended early when I had to move apts... I do remember core fundamentals such as sexing and light cycle, but technology/technique has leaped forward, and I was just a kid in college.

... I tossed aside and totally forgot a bag seed this summer, and it surprisingly from the edge of an old pot she grew into a flowering female just sitting on my deck. She is lankly, ingored 1st month+, my cat ate the bottom leaves, I fought off thrips when I finally started paying attention. Well, the top looks healthy, and suddenly I'm engrossed. I started planning and reading... I ordered 3 seeds from Herbies, and they arrived 11 days later, bonus seeds too. Not knowing much about different strains, I chose Jack Herer, as I know I like sativa's, I like the story behind Mr. Herer. I like the idea of a perpetual grow using autos.

Seeds Ordered:
3x Auto Jack Herer Feminized (AJ)
1x Auto Biodiesel Mass Feminized (BM)
2x Paradise DeLaHaze Feminized (PD)
2x Afghani Regular (AF)

My grow space is ~4'x3' with about 5' of height -- it is the nook behind the A/C unit in a closet in the garage, with a side hall. I've lined the area with aluminum foil for now, including a piece of cardboard for the 4th wall. I later read foil is not best (and I put the wrong side out, too! ... maybe I'll get a small can of flat white paint... but for now, af has got to reflect better than insulation).

A fan is set nearby to circulate the air. About a week ago, my 9-band LED grow lamp 300W (165W actual), arrived from from china. I have a 60W Phillips heat/infrared lamp about 18" off to the side. The space began accommodating my bag seed (BS) plant which had been flowering for over three weeks now, and I imagine it will keep flowering on 12/12 through the end of Sept. BS spent the first 6-8 weeks of her life on the deck mostly ignored, but getting about 6 hours of direct sun. She was finally fed, and I added potting soil added last week. If the days are sunny, I take the plant back out to the deck for direct sun as part of the 12 hours light. If I even get just a few grams from her, I'll be very happy. :)

Soil Prep

From Lowe's I picked up:
32 Qt. Miracle-Grow Organic Choice Potting Soil (0.10 - 0.05 - 0.05)
48 oz Miracle-Grow Quick Start (4-12-4)
8 Qt Miracle-Grow Perlite (0.07 - 0.07 - 0.07)
Alaska Fish Fertilizer (5-1-1)
10 Qt Jiffy Seed Starting Mix ("45-50% peat moss, 45-50% vermiculite, lime for ph balance.")
#5 Jiffy Pots

Laying around the house I have some
E.B.Stone Organic Sure Start (4-6-2) -- (I'm concerned because it's over two years old, but I couldn't find starter nutes at the local shops.)
Better Grow Orchid Bloom Boost (11-35-15)
Black Molasses

I thoroughly mixed the dirt this way for each 4gal pot: (based on the sticky guide here):
3 gallons potting soil.
4 Tablespoons Organic Sure Start (for micros) -- a little less than what was on the package, as I plan to add more nutes once down the road.
4 Quarts Perlite
1 Quart coarse sand (1/2 small bag).
... and I threw in two large handfuls of the Jiffy Seed Starting Mix for good measure.

This is a little more soil than will fit into a 4 gallon.)

Initial COSTS (so far):
$70 for LED grow light
$50 for all the stuff from Lowe's
$10 two 12" pots from Walmart
$30 seeds
total: ~$160.

Here we go!

Day 0: I put two seeds into a wet paper towel, one was the Jack-Herer (JH), and other the freebie, the auto-Bio-diesel (BD). The BD seed was larger w/ visible 'tiger' brown/black, The JH seed almost 1/3 size smaller, more black looking.

Day 1: No tap root yet as of noon. I am going to go ahead and soak some seed starting mix in water overnight to make sure it holds water well. Still leaning how to prep the soil. I think the Jiffy #5's might be larger than needed for germination... still reading.

Day 2: Signs of life! The JH popped. I've read transplanting autos is often hard on the plant, so I'm going to put JH straight into my mix, in the 12" pot. Did that about noon. Later in the day, I can see the BD seed has split open, too! Though I can't see a tap root, I ended up potting her in the evening.

I took the 12" pots, drilled a bunch more drainage holes, thoroughly mixed my dirt and poured it all in.

I then took some of Seed Starting Mix I had placed to soak last night sprinkled around top, and into a little crater in the middle, put JH in, covered her with more of the starting mix, then added about 1/4" more soil on the top, and then watered well. I took a 6" screwdriver and poked several airation holes in the soil. No other nutrients to start, except for what is already in the soil (mostly from Organic Sure Start). I skipped the actual Jiffy pots.

I'm letting the seedlings just sit out on my deck for now until she show's. It's a sunny days, temps will reach 85F

The SB plant is enjoying an afternoon on the deck too, for the scrawny neglected lady she is, the top is looking good.

I've got to figure out how to switch to 18/6, and sill keep my BS baby flowering... Either a separate space, or take her out early each night. Autos apparenty don't do as well on 12/12.

Also, odor control. I'm going to start searching for something that will hopefully keep the whole closet room area clean since my plant is not 'contained'. .. and I need to get some CFLs for the seedlings.

... whoever thought a bucket of dirt could be so exciting! :)


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Welcome aboard ... nice start on your grow ... :thumbsup:
Day 3: Admired my dirt pots again, and reminded myself that I'm also doing this to learn better patience (again). Went to Lowe's and bought Phillips 2x 23W 6500k CFL Daylight, 2x 23W 2700k Soft White, and a locking door knob to switch out the non-locking one on the closet. Cost was ~$30, bringing total to $190.

I'm still shopping filters, which may end up being the most expensive component yet -- but def needed. Lots of folks recommend Rhino.

To mount the lights, I happened to have an old photographers light bar, it's cool in that can fold in the middle, I can mount it on an adjustable tripod, and it will hold the 4 CFLs. So, I have my 165W China LED, and 4x CFLs = 92W ... and 2 xInfrared/Heat (120W) ... 377W total. I'm just not sure how valuable the Infrared lights are, I just had them laying around and touched on something about using infrared/red light when blooming. They help keep the place a little warmer (needed due to proximity of A/C unit seepage).

I came across and interesting thread about 12/12 seed-to-finish grows that where some folks are getting good results, even using non-autos (but I guess that makes every plant eventually an 'auto'? ).
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Day 4. You can look at a pot of dirt 50 times a day (and it's not even noon). I'm not sure what that means.

I went ahead and setup my light bar with the CFLs as supplemental side lights to the BS plant ... flexible, and looks good too :) ... when the seedlings show, I'll be using this for them.

Here are a few pics.
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Mylar is better but I use a lot of aluminum foil ... to me pot smells floral, like a bouquet of tropical flowers picked in full bloom ... when I want to kill the smell I use a gal bucket of ONA Pro Gel from ebay for $37 ... you can get a fan top for it that works great if you ever need to kill smells fast ... depends on how out of the way your grow space is ...
Yes, that bag seed plant aroma is already wonderfully intoxicating -- it's so fresh and beautiful!
... and also so distinct!

Odor elimination from a gel? I wonder how that works (technically)
Day 5: Ordered a 10 pack of Maylar emergency blankets from ebay ($8). Total costs: $198.

Read more about the difference between 'scubbing and filtering' ... my space has no place for exhaust, so I'll be scrubbing. I'm pretty sure my solution is going to end up using a 6" Phresh filter and an ONA bucket.

I keep singing "the way-ay-ting is the hardest part"

Day 6, Checked first thing this morning (of course). Nothing. 5th day since potting seeds and still no show. I put them from the paper towel with tweezers, very carefully. I'm concerned that I may have over-watered the germinated seeds. I did saturate the soil that first day, but haven't watered since. The soil is not dry, nor soaking wet. The pots have been sitting on my deck, with good warmth in the day. I moved them into my grow space last night. I know the avg time is 3-7 days to get a seed to show, and this is only day 5. The suspense is killing me.
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Day 7, one week since placing in paper towel, 5 days since putting in soil... still no show.... did I plant them too deep (est just over 1" or 3-4cm)? I'm tempted to take a paint brush and finely brush away some of the top soil. I'll just hang tight for another couple of days.
yes they were too deep ... there is a good chance if you're careful you can find them ... if you can find them they have probably sprouted so just carefully expose the top to the light ... and let them stand up on their own once you find them if you see they are alive let them dig themselves out ... a couple drops of plain water can help ... as they grow you can fill in the hole ... I use a toothpick to dig down to find them when I plant too deep ... about 1/4" of dirt over the seed is what I normally do ...
Thanks Chester!
Ok, so this evening I took a toothpick, and fine brush, and very very carefully started uncovering the soil for the JH seed. I got to the finally exposing the seed, (it is the one that had the tap root showing just a nub of 3-4mm in the pic 5 days ago) ... the tap root is only now about .75 cm -- still very small. Like it stalled out -- maybe drowned ... I don't know. ... I don't think it is still alive (wouldn't it be bigger after 5+ days?), but I gently recovered it only 1/4 ". Wishing thinking?

I think both too deep and too much water at first (sigh) ... good thing I have two more of the seeds to try another start. I'll think I'll read some more on germination tomorrow, and try directly starting in less damp soil, about the 1/4" you suggest.

Tomorrow morning, I'll search for the BD seed (another sigh) ... well, I'm doing this to learn. I expect newbie mistakes. Would like to get at least one good JH launched.

In other news, the large lower leaves are starting to yellow at the bottom of my flowering bag seed plant. I've read this might be normal during flowering, possible nitrogen deficiency. The smaller lower leaves and top still look green. I'll get some pics tomorrow ...