Live Stoners Greetings everyone!

Jan 24, 2016
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I guess a decent thing to do would be to introduce myself.

My growing friends call me Raaz because of my first indoor grow that they really liked.
Primarily I am a caregiver grower that started with indoor because my wife needs Cannabis oil to function normally.
Meanwhile my relation with the Plant got almost religious. I love helping people to start growing, give advice and regulary donate equipment and seeds.
Right now my speciality is growing autoflowers indoors in (semi)organic soil.
I have a Scrog full of Mephisto's strains (Fantasmo Express, Hubbabubbasmelloscope, Sour Bubby, Sour Bubblin' Crack and Tyrone Special) and a few others (Wild Thailand Ryder and Sweet Cofee Ryder from World of Seeds) at day 38, I did lot of pictures and I'm not sure where to post my adventure?
This is my best grow ever so I tought it would be important to share some informations with people that could use it.

Respect to all.

Welcome Raaz. I would start a journal either in the "Indoor Growing" area or the "New Growers" area. I know you are not "new" to autos but that area gets a lot of traffic and will be seen by some of our more advanced growers.
I personally would love to see your mephisto scrog grow and learn some more techniques. Again, welcome and enjoy AFN. This is a great community of folks all out to help one another and enjoy our gardens. :welcome:
Welcome aboard Raaz.Feel free to ask any questions or to pass your own ideas around.You can post pics on this link by clicking where it says upload a file under your post and that should take you to your picture files Than u file you want.
welcome Raaz. sounds like you'll be a valuable addition to AFN. take a look through and see if a section fits your growing style and journal away. we have monthly BOM/NOM contest with simple rules and awesome prizes. if you start now you should have plenty of time to perhaps be nominated in February. ;)
Welcome to AFN Raaz, its good to see another caregiver on site, sounds like you'll fit right in here. Anything you need, just ask. There's lots of years of experience here and everybody likes to help out.
Great to have ya Raaz! Indoor growing and start up a journal! I'd love to see your pics. Solid gear you are growing out!:welcome:
Thank you all for a warm welcome, I started summing up my notes and pictures and I will start a journal asap.
I "fight" daily with my plants (in a good way) so to be honest I work much more around plants than I document my grow but I think this will help with motivation.
You specialize in autos indoor hey? Well guess what. We do too so you've made it to the right place. Sounds like it's gonna be one frosty scrog with that much mephisto gear in it. Can't wait to see