Live Stoner Chat Greetings everyone!

Thank you, Urbanfarmer and Rebelboy!

and yes, this site has impressed me alot, and the users have impressed me alot too.
great knowledge, great attitude, great reports,
lots of pictures of plants!( i love watching pictures of plants! )
and just a great atmosphere here. everyone is so helpful and positive.

I am so glad i stumbled over this site while googling.

truley a unique forum and users who have managed to create a so superior forum-atmosphere.
I am glad I can be part of it and with time I want to contribute too with grow reports ,assistance and anything.:amazon:
Welcome Baron g :smokebuds:Glad to have you:five:
Welcome Baron, make yourself at home. Your among friends.......

:peace:Grow your own
Welcome to AfN Baron-G! :smokebuds:
welcome my friend :) hope t see a grow log from you soon :five:
Welcome Baron! It's a great community here and good to keep seeing cases where cannabis is the best medicine over pharma products... its truly a beautiful and complex plant that will continue to help all over the world.

Good luck with future grows and looking forward to seeing your style as everyone is different :smokebuds:

peez x
:welcome: It's great to have people here that truly appreciate this wonderful plant! Glad you've joined our little, but great family!