New Grower GreenGnostic's First Auto Grow (SS Red Poison and RQ NLA )

All the girls are doing well, figure Ill be doing weekly photo updates each weekend. Unless of course something happens that warrants photo posting. Growing is an exercise in Zen.
Weekly Update Photos
The last couple of days have been pretty rough for the girls. The days have been hitting 100F +, and thunderstorms. I have covered their area with a shade cloth from the defunct greenhouse to help with the heat.
RedOne628.png RedTwo628.png NLAOne628.png NLATwo628.png GroupShot628.png

The one Red Poison is showing some form of distress, wondering if thats heat related. I have been pretty sparse on watering but think with this heat I may need to be a little more liberal with the H2O.

Comments always welcome.

In Peace,
Update photos.
They range between 18 and 16 days old. Have been having a crazy heatwave here, so day time temps 100+, nighttime dropping to mid 50s to low 60s. Have started watering them every other day because of heat. Friday they each got 2 gallons with goodies (kelp, humic, fulvic, amino acids, enzymes, silica, and some myco). The water was straight well water that was not PH adjusted.

RP1_18_070515.png Red Poison #1 - 18 days old
RP2_16_070515.png Red Poison #2 - 16 days old
NLA1_18_070515.png RQ Northern Lights Auto #1 - 18 days old
NLA2_17_070515.png RQ Northern Lights Auto #2 - 17 Days old

070515_groupshot.png group shot
Update time! The weather has been crazy, heat wave, then overcast, thunderstorms and high winds. They got a friday watering with some Kelp4Less Extreme Blend, Silica, Myco and Enzymes. So far they all seem to be doing pretty well considering the enviroment they are in.
Without further ado, the pictures

First this week we are starting with a group shot

First we have the Sweet Seeds
Red Poison #1
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and Red Poison #2
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Will post the NLA next


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Weekly Update Continued;

Royal Queen Northern Lights Auto

Plant #1
RQNLA1_TopDown_71215.png RQNLA1_SideShot_71215.png

and finally last but not least .. NLA #2

RQNLA2_TopDown_71215.png RQNLA2_SideShot_71215.png RQNLA2_AngleDown_71215.png

I think they are looking pretty amazing considering they have been dealing with some pretty crazy weather. As always please feel free to comment about anything. Advice is also always welcome.