New Grower GreenGnostic's First Auto Grow (SS Red Poison and RQ NLA )

Apr 18, 2015
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Howdy all,

Well taking the plunge and getting started with a first time auto grow and first grow journal. This is going to be 2 Sweet Seeds Red Poison and 2 Royal Queen Northern Lights Auto (Freebies from Herbie's). Packages after seeds removed for germination;

After germinating using paper towel method, I planted all 4 straight into their final homes., 7 gallon geopots. These are filled with Super soil, and local organic mix thats been modified with additional peat and growstones. There is also a small area of seed starting soil in in each pot to give them a little additional cushion at the start. I know this pot size is a little bit of overkill, but hoping the additional volume of soil will help with water retention as time goes on. Have also used some old hydroton to mulch the top of the pots.

I am not planning on using to many additions to what is already in the pots. Will update as time goes on in this area.
Additional information, I live in a high desert area 44 degrees north. So will be a interesting attempt at growing in a arid environment with up to 40 degree swings in temp from day to night. I will be using straight well water unless it starts to cause problems with PH.

If I missed anything please holler. I know I have a lot of negatives going into this grow at the start. Climate, Time of year etc.. So just kind of going for it and hoping to get some knowledge out of the deal and hopefully a little bit of bud.

In Peace,
Nice looking start Green :)

Good idea to go with the larger pots in a hot climate and love the colour of your pots which will help keep them cooler.
The hydroton mulch should help keep evaporation down.

Super soil is not something i have used but have seen many grows with it and often with no additional amendments, just plain ph'ed water all the way through to finish.

The day night temp swing will give you a serious boost to the colour of your girls especially with the Red Poison.

Northern lights from RQS will do you proud, Northern Lights just keeps going and is still one of the most popular strain till this day.

I'm a UK resident so don't know much about high dessert temps, so I googled it and found out you have a high dessert in Oregon as well as in California, either way temps can get quite high if your in Oregon you should be ok max average temp in the summer is 86F/30C which is the max temp before cannabis stop making headway.

If your in the high dessert in California temps can get up in to the low 100's F low to mid 40's C, which may challenge your plants at times, especially if you get a heat wave, a little shade cloth may help in these conditions.
Keep em well watered, but still allow the soil to dry out a little before watering again to allow the oxygen back in.

I look forwards to more post from you bro


Thank You and Welcome Arty and Sanguine.

Hoping I can also help a little with humidity by spritzing the hydroton and possibly wetting the pallet the geopots are sitting on. I am in Oregon but we have already had a few days month that spiked up into the upper-mid 90s. Might need that shade cloth.

In Peace,
Evaporative cooling will help for sure but could be a lot of work in high temps.

A soaker hose set with a slow trickle could help on the pallets, but you also need to be aware of any restriction in your area.


You could also use a water timer to turn on and off your water several times a day (as often as needed).


Use a normal hose to the pallets and then connect some soaker hose on the end, just an idea.
Quick Update=
All the Ladies are showing now, 2 showed up on Thursday, 1 on Friday, and the last showed today..

Red Poison #1

Red Poison #2

NL Auto #1

NL Auto #2 (sorry for blurry pic)

So now its just a waiting game, will update again soon.

In Peace,