Well auto season is over, I chopped the last 2 last Friday and ive just had a sample of the Durban auto and its gotta sweet taste and an up high for sure. Smoked the little Durban plant in one spliff and freaked some kush heads out ! They couldn't fathom the "Nocouchlock" effect, told it was grinspoon at first and they lapped it up! Anyway on to the pics

The Durban had a weird form and produced loads of branches that just had calyxes along them and lots of 3 fingered leaves.

Amnesia or white widow auto? Different growth to my other 2 widows but similar smell.

Fresians, great smell but fattening up slowly.

Durbans both got purple flowers going on, but not the fresians ! Maybe ive mixed em up ?
The smoke will tell the truth. Great weather this month wish id got the super autos out proper as planned but hey ho theres always next year. And its going to be BIG

The Durban had a weird form and produced loads of branches that just had calyxes along them and lots of 3 fingered leaves.

Amnesia or white widow auto? Different growth to my other 2 widows but similar smell.

Fresians, great smell but fattening up slowly.

Durbans both got purple flowers going on, but not the fresians ! Maybe ive mixed em up ?
The smoke will tell the truth. Great weather this month wish id got the super autos out proper as planned but hey ho theres always next year. And its going to be BIG