Confirmed shipped same day, literally 6 hours later. Yea, I for sure cant wait for this bank to take off, for sure lol. Thanks so much! Cant wait to throw some of these down.

We don't mess around brother. We take our customer service very seriously. Plus we ALWAYS take care of our AFN FAMILY. I'm gonna set up a permanent discount code for AFN members only. :bighug: it flies in the am!
How can I get on your site? I tried to google it and all I could get was lawn grass seed. Maybe I am doing something wrong?

I'm sorting that out with Google now... It's not coming up...

Try that!

AFN10 code is now LIVE INDEFINITELY!!! 10% off all orders for AFN members FOREVER. unlimited use code!
AFN10 code is now LIVE INDEFINITELY!!! 10% off all orders for AFN members FOREVER. unlimited use code!

is that in addition to the other code :confused1: (snickerz :muahaha: ) ppp
is that in addition to the other code :confused1: (snickerz :muahaha: ) ppp

Yes! AFN10 never expires.

GRAND10 is good til June 13th.

When you sign up for our newsletter you also get a 10% off code.

So if you strike while the iron is hot you can score a killer deal!
Yes! AFN10 never expires.

GRAND10 is good til June 13th.

When you sign up for our newsletter you also get a 10% off code.

So if you strike while the iron is hot you can score a killer deal!

well, i can't get anything, cuz me own iron ain't so hot atm :rolleyes2: but, mebbe me can steer sum xtra bizness ur way by puttin a link up in chat ;) ppp