Grape God Auto droopy and yellow leaves

Feb 13, 2022
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Hi All,

I'm new to indoor growing. I have some experience with outdoor. I just got a 4x4x6 tent. I am running 4000w full spec lights. The climate is 82F 65%/70% humidity. It's really dry in my condo so maintaining the humidity is tough but it looks like I've got it stabilized. I am running the lights on an 18x6 schedule. I started this Grape god on 1/26 and it sprouted on 1/29 and got it's first leaves on 1/6. The temp was steady in the low 80s and I tried not to over looked healthy till the bottom leaves started yellowing. I have a moisture and pH monitor. I am good about the balance on the moisture, but the soil pH is like 7+ even though my water is 6. Is the soil pH causing the yellowing? Also it looks very stunted for 3 weeks....any advice would be greatly appreciated!


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Start over. Even if she makes it it’s gonna be a rough go for her. Looks like you drown her but I’m no expert.
IMHO>>>>Appears overwatered which releases more ferts in an untimely manner. BBLM is a very forgiving medium but apparently not forgiving enough. It'll stunt.
Ya gotta leave'm alone sometimes.
Start a new plant in a solo cup so you can easily tell when watering is necessary. You'll be surprised how little it takes.
IMHO>>>>Appears overwatered which releases more ferts in an untimely manner. BBLM is a very forgiving medium but apparently not forgiving enough. It'll stunt.
Ya gotta leave'm alone sometimes.
Start a new plant in a solo cup so you can easily tell when watering is necessary. You'll be surprised how little it takes.
Yeah I'll stick to the spray bottle from now on. The more I think about it I was flooding them fearing they would dry out. I have some "spare" Ice Cream Cake photos (I assume) that I'm going to mess with.
Yeah I'll stick to the spray bottle from now on. The more I think about it I was flooding them fearing they would dry out. I have some "spare" Ice Cream Cake photos (I assume) that I'm going to mess with.
I only use a spray bottle from the time I put the bean in soil til they’re 7-10 days above soil. Just keep the top damp maybe spray twice a day. Can’t over water that way.