Photoperiod Grand Daddy Purple - Bulk Seeds, ordered from Linda Seeds

Time to put that new cabin to use then I guess...
Then I have to get involved with…….people 🤣

Finding good crew-members is difficult as they need a background-check and be legit. But i got a starter of an idea that I will think more into… 👍
Ah females, they will be ready when they are ready... :baked:

Yeah, and you can’t stress them. But i did reduce the light to 10/14 two days ago and wrench up the light just a tad so they get enough light - but not to much 😊 Btw, happy 420 :smokeout:
So, they’ve been cut, and hanged to dry out before they go into the jars.


Learned some this grow so next one will be better if I do photoperiods, but a fantastic experience.