Hello, I'm a bit new here, but I got thrips recently and I think I've managed to get rid of them.
I used a neem oil spray, put coffee grounds on top of my soil, and then put sheets of paper under on top of the pots and shook them (gently, of course) on a nightly basis, and I also put some basil/cilantro in my tent as well. All the thrips that landed on the paper were safely disposed of.
According to the internet:
The neem messes with the thrip's feeding mechanism, so they kind of stop eating your plants and starve.
The coffee acts like that diatomaceous soil, which is abrasive to insects at a microscopic level so kind of scratches them up if they walk about on it. I used this as I thought they might pupate in the soil and then hatch out.
Thrips don't like basil. I don't know why.
The shaking was just me getting angry.
Yu have to be a bit careful with the coffee grounds as they make the soil go a little more acidic, add a bit of nitrogen content, and they do go mouldy after a while (I scraped it off when this happened).
It seems to have worked. After about a week I'm seeing better growth, hardly any yellowing, no more thrip bites on the leaves and there's a nice smell.
I hope that helps you out in some way.