Here are the CBD girls doing well on the Elite line.

they are droopy but it's about 15 mins. from bed time, they are on a 18/6 lite schedule..
around 75-76*

Cool cool .;I was just curious as I'm think about buy two of those sp400s for a 5x5 tent. You like the sp400 thus far?

Hope you don't mind but I will pull a chair for the rest of this Grow!? :thumbsup::biggrin:
What's up Go ?? Just got done reading 14 pages. I'm going to take a chair if you dont mind.
I have a pro 400 coming. I do that think I read what your height was when you started them !!???!

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What's up Go . Dude I'm completely digging my pro4. It's a beast so far man. How you liking yours. Did you buy it or as your thread says just testing it. ??

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