Fast Buds Gorilla Cookies with Biotabs


mad scientist
Jan 6, 2016
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Currently Smoking
Old school
3 Gorilla Cookies, 2 weeks old.
Biobizz light mix biobtabs water "only" method.
As with previous grow, 7l pots were filled with a earth, than one plastic cup full of earth removed from each pot and the rest (each pot separately) mixed with startrex and silicium flash and placed back in the pots. Than I will dig the holes the size and shape of the plastic cups, add mycotrex in the holes and fill the holes with plain earth left in the cups. Than I will plant previously soaked seeds. This way seedlings will not get in direct contact with nutes in its very first days and it worked well in previous two runs, the first one with starter kit and the last one with water only method, the one I am doing it now.
In reality it is never water only and I am looking for support and guidance for optimum use of biotabs nutes. This is my third grow with Biotabs and I am still learning how to grow with it. I assume guys from Fast Buds can help @Fast Buds Heather as I will grow their genetics.
I was debating should I post thread here or in Biotabs section but ended up here, it seems to be more activity here.
So, plants are 2 weeks old.
Two on the sides were fimmed yesterday, it was my first try. Not sure if done successfuly with the one on the left, time will tell. I was trying to remove as little as possible so not sure if it is removed enough to be called fimming for that one plant.
The plant in the middle is left intact for the moment.
Today they all got two biotabs each with foliar Boom Boom Spray and later this evening will water them with bactrex when earth get dry enough.
I decided to fim two plants because I cant let them grow too tall. It is an experiment.
Two plants will stay in 0.32m2 closet with Migro Aray 120 and one plant will be moved to 0.16m2 tent with HS1.
I am expecting similar issues as with my previous grow and thats the main reason I decided to post a new thread.
Thank you @nizmoKush thank you @woody I hope this thread will turn into community grow, even very small community will be appreciated, I hope to avoid mystakes as much as possible so all and any advices are highly welcome.
I will try to do this thread in the finnest details.

3 weeks 1 day old GC

Not sure if fimming worked at all, I guess at best it slowed down the growth of the main branch in both 'fimed in try' plants, at least in the plant on the left now.
Both plants under Migro Aray 120W are fimmed



Under HS1 is not fimmed one. She is the shortest but sett to be the bushest one with more even canopy.



No plant showed sex jet, it should be any moment now.
From today I will prun the plants every few days to allow for better light penetration under the canopy. Till now I was doing LST by bending the fan leaves under new branches.
Doing bactrex once in two weeks and Boom Boom Spray once a week, thats all for now.
It seems now I need 1L of water per plant per day or close to it. I am using bottled water.
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3 weeks 2 days and very first one or two baby pistils showed up on all 3 plants.
4 weeks old.
One plant is showing some issue, looks like Magnesium or Zinc and also Cal
Photos of two plants under Migro Aray 120.
Plant on the left is 40cm tall, plant on the right is 43cm tall and this is the plant with issues.
Both plants have been a bit more sensitive in respond to light, trying to find sweet spot.
Yesterday those two plants got silicium flash 25g each and were watered with bactrex.
Plant on the left looks better today, the one on the right seems to recover in one branch so far as it got nice green color. But the rest of the plant is still not so good.
I am not sure if they needed extra silicium flash or they may already had too much of everything, time will tell.
CO2 Boost kit is also added two days ago with possible light stress preventive in mind.
Plants are prity small for 4 weeks old but they jet have to enter streaching phase. They have prolonged vegetative period comparing to two Gorrila Glue autos FB I growed previously which showed sex much earlier and have been aprox 90cm amd 60cm each by this time.


Magnesium & Zinc like issue and Cal like issue. I had removed few leaves badly damaged



3rd plant under HS1
Overal the healthiest looking plant and the bushiest and shortest one only 31cm tall but not streach jet. All 3 plants showed sex 6 days ago.



5 weeks 3 days
2 plants under Migro Aray 120, on the left 65cm tall and on the right 66cm tall.
Plant on the right looks like she has nutritien burn the whole grow so far, while other two plants looks perfect, maybe just now starting to show Calcium deficiency so I will treat them with silicium flash to see how they will respond. But the one on the right will not get anything for now.
May introduce PK 5-8 to all 3 plants in a week or so


3rd plant is under HS1, aprox 60cm tall

I can’t tell from the photos but ideally you want the Aray about 16cm or 6” away from the canopy to get the best out of it, mine should be here next week :smoking:Good luck with your grow, looking good.
I can’t tell from the photos but ideally you want the Aray about 16cm or 6” away from the canopy to get the best out of it, mine should be here next week :smoking:Good luck with your grow, looking good.
16cm distance is uncomfortably close and thats why I will soon change Migro Aray 120w for Sanlight q3w 120w. Migro is ok and can help when u dont have enough room above the plant as in my current set up.
Anyway 16cm can be too much close and you have to look at plant, my sett up is at some 32cm distance.
My grow space is 73 with 44 and Migro is made for 60 with 60 which means along the longer sides of Migro, the space between the lamp and 2 walls is only around 2cm from each side. At closer distance it would make higher intensity than if it would be with 60 with 60cm. Still trying to figure out the best hanging distance for my settup
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