Outdoor Goriilaunit Outdoor 2k21 / Guerilla style 51N

I would be happy to exchange opinions with experienced people who grow outdoors :) I can also take part in competitions if you have something like that, but I ask the moderators to submit my photos to competitions because it is hard for me to find my way in the new forum without knowing the language. :) Thanks for nice words, I am based in Poland. :)

Sounds good - we've got a very mixed community here, and some great out door growers all over the world!

Unfortinately the Mods won't be able to submit your photos to competitions, but if you need any help finding your way around the forums, or technical help, please do ask and we'll be happy to help!

You'll find that once you've contributed to a thread you're interested in, you'll get a notification (the bell icon at the top) to tell you that someone has either posted in that thread, or have tagged you to ask a question (like this @goriilaunit )

Let me know if you get lost and need help!

Sounds good - we've got a very mixed community here, and some great out door growers all over the world!

Unfortinately the Mods won't be able to submit your photos to competitions, but if you need any help finding your way around the forums, or technical help, please do ask and we'll be happy to help!

You'll find that once you've contributed to a thread you're interested in, you'll get a notification (the bell icon at the top) to tell you that someone has either posted in that thread, or have tagged you to ask a question (like this @goriilaunit )

Let me know if you get lost and need help!

so far it's not so bad because there are a few other forums running on this engine so it's only a matter of time before I find my way :) Thank you for your help.
Is there any outdoor comp 2k21 contest? Any award for winning?:biggrin:
so far it's not so bad because there are a few other forums running on this engine so it's only a matter of time before I find my way :) Thank you for your help.
Is there any outdoor comp 2k21 contest? Any award for winning?:biggrin:

Loving your confidence!!!! :crying::crying:


I don't do outdoors, but i'll look into it for you - I thought @Waira may be running the outdoor competition - He's based in USA so sometimes we have to wait for people to get out of bed to reply to tags and quotes .. but they'll get here eventually!! ^_^

Ok, so next week I take a piece of paper, pick 3 plants and sign them :)
each time you have to add this photo with signature?

I think once people know what your plants look like you won't need to post a code with every update, but do check with Waira or TheMongol (I'm not sure who's running the competiton) to be certain of the rules!

Hopefully you'll be in time to join in!! :D
I think once people know what your plants look like you won't need to post a code with every update, but do check with Waira or TheMongol (I'm not sure who's running the competiton) to be certain of the rules!

Hopefully you'll be in time to join in!! :D
ok I will ask if it is possible to participate in the contest :)
Ok, so next week I take a piece of paper, pick 3 plants and sign them :)
each time you have to add this photo with signature?

heya @goriilaunit and :welcome: to afn! :toke: great to have u aboard in the od comp & the only time u need to do a code entry card is for entry & harvest ;) in between, jus do regular updatez is all...ez pz :thumbsup: :goodluck: ppp