Outdoor Good soil mix ?

May 26, 2016
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Picked up some soil, etc.... that was on clearance that I took pics of to get feedback from the Pros/experienced growers. Please let me know if these soils would make a good mix, or a mess. The two MG products were $1.90 a bag and didn't have time release granules in them, or as far as I read on front and back of their bags. 20160819_185602.jpg 20160819_185824.jpg 20160819_185627.jpg 20160819_185656.jpg 20160819_185930.jpg Please chime in with your thoughts, and advise.

those will work fine but you need heavier materials. like meals,cakes ad so on.maybe some granules too. grow and bloom. but if your buiding it from scratch thats what your gonna need to do. but if you need a simpler system look at the 2.1 master mix series and Kind soil or even the KIS organics. all three have stellar performance in my experience. so you have choices. good luck
Picked up some soil, etc.... that was on clearance that I took pics of to get feedback from the Pros/experienced growers. Please let me know if these soils would make a good mix, or a mess. The two MG products were $1.90 a bag and didn't have time release granules in them, or as far as I read on front and back of their bags. View attachment 619265 View attachment 619269 View attachment 619270 View attachment 619271 View attachment 619272 Please chime in with your thoughts, and advise.

Hi @eddiebud
Looks like a fairly standard range of soil and amendments.
A big question is this -- where are you growing? (You're posting in the outdoor / greenhouse forum, so...)
If it's in a greenhouse, then you can control watering, but maybe not humidity.
If it's outside, then what's the climate like? Heavy rains? Dry? Mediterranean? ...
Because you'll need to make a nice mix depending on your conditions.
For my latest batch of soil, I added a lot more perlite to the mix, because I have heavy rainfall up here.
So, that helps with the drainage.
So, think about your situation like that, it'll help a lot.
Another issue is how long you grow will be. You're at AFN, so we're all guessing you're doing autos, right?
Most soils have the nutrients for the first week or two, but then you'll need to add fert. How long will you need it?
If you're outdoors going guerrilla style, how often are you seeing your plants?
Will you heavy water and then leave them? In that case, you may want more water retention, e.g. coco coir / peat moss.
If you're still not sure, you can make a range of slightly difference mixes with what you've got.
Then during your grow, you'll be able to see what mix works best. Kind of an experiment. You'll learn a lot.
All the best for your grow!
Love and hugs,
Greenhouse that has been darkened out with white paint.
Autos are being grown. Using 3 gallon pots. some solid pots and some smart pots.
Hi @eddiebud
Looks like a fairly standard range of soil and amendments.
A big question is this -- where are you growing? (You're posting in the outdoor / greenhouse forum, so...)
If it's in a greenhouse, then you can control watering, but maybe not humidity.
If it's outside, then what's the climate like? Heavy rains? Dry? Mediterranean? ...
Because you'll need to make a nice mix depending on your conditions.
For my latest batch of soil, I added a lot more perlite to the mix, because I have heavy rainfall up here.
So, that helps with the drainage.
So, think about your situation like that, it'll help a lot.
Another issue is how long you grow will be. You're at AFN, so we're all guessing you're doing autos, right?
Most soils have the nutrients for the first week or two, but then you'll need to add fert. How long will you need it?
If you're outdoors going guerrilla style, how often are you seeing your plants?
Will you heavy water and then leave them? In that case, you may want more water retention, e.g. coco coir / peat moss.
If you're still not sure, you can make a range of slightly difference mixes with what you've got.
Then during your grow, you'll be able to see what mix works best. Kind of an experiment. You'll learn a lot.
All the best for your grow!
Love and hugs,
Thanks for looking and for your input

those will work fine but you need heavier materials. like meals,cakes ad so on.maybe some granules too. grow and bloom. but if your buiding it from scratch thats what your gonna need to do. but if you need a simpler system look at the 2.1 master mix series and Kind soil or even the KIS organics. all three have stellar performance in my experience. so you have choices. good luck

Don't wanna jack the thread, but quick question regarding the 2.1 master mix series. They have mixing recipes for heavy, medium, and light feeding plants on the tlosoils website. Is there a particular strength you find about right for autoflowering plants? I would think that the medium to light personally, but curious your thoughts.
yeah I mix them very close to the medium strength soil recipe,but add a few things to improve and check the texture.but straight forward it'll make right about 22-25 gallons then it'll be good. you'ii see. its a killer recipe too. cal mag and water.not solely water. a cpl teas.BOOM! best organics to date I have personally used.KS is noce too dont get me wrong,it just has ever so slight variances in its feeding regime and life doling. am curious to see how the life it in the soil with a test before during and after a grow. but yeah man,the medium is where I would be headed. @Ozone69
So far this soil mix is doing fine but I am always open to improvement to get better at what I have grown to like a lot. (Growing meds) I don't smoke but do make canna balm, tinctures, gummies etc....Going to try cannabutter next.