Gold leaf tips

Aug 15, 2022
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I have had gold or yellow tips on my leaves, my water was ph was high and I tempered it to the 6's with lemon oils 2 waterings or 5 days ago with no change. My plants are in their 6th week and otherwise look great growing more than 1" in height each day. Also, it is not spreading down the leaf. These girls are getting ready to blossom and if this isn't going to get worse I would prefer to ride it out than upset the plant more. I don't have a good picture but it is only on the tip. I have half a mind to ignore this as everything else looks good and see no reason for my nutrients to be out of balance because of the hot soil method I used rather measuring and feeding through the life cycle.
I found a decent picture.
2X 120W LEDs
4X4X8 tent
FFOF hot soil on bottom cloth pots
4” exhaust fan
4 GSC autos 1 Poochie Love(dispo seed)
Tap water ph 7.3-7.9 tempered with lemon juice
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I sure named this poorly. The tips of my leaves are golden or yellow in color.
what soil is on the bottom?
I might be more concerned about the edges rolling on you.. whats your temp and humidity?
what soil is on the bottom?
I might be more concerned about the edges rolling on you.. whats your temp and humidity?
It is California super soil, not a concentrate that is to be mixed in 1 to 5 ratio, I put that on the bottom thirds of each pot. The temp hasn't exceeded the very low 80s, but my humidity I believe has been a tic low at 55-60%. I have read people say a higher humidity is good for the vegetative stage. My lung room is the basement where I have to run a dehumidifier for other reasons. I thought high humidity was going to be my problem. I guess I should mention that all my plants are not suffering. These plants are 46 days old and should be done in another 4 weeks or so to go. I know I should have named this "Help my leaves have yellow tips." instead of offering tips for gold leafs. I very much appreciate your reply.
I get those light colored tips all the time...Maybe the lights are causing it... I use very bright cob leds.. Ide be more worried about the light yellow blotches a couple leaves have in the middle... That could be a sign of things to come. GL!
I’m not a fan of using lemon whatever to adjust PH, especially in an organic system. Not stable enough & kills beneficials.
I get those light colored tips all the time...Maybe the lights are causing it... I use very bright cob leds.. Ide be more worried about the light yellow blotches a couple leaves have in the middle... That could be a sign of things to come. GL!View attachment 1507641
Shit, I didn't see them with my naked eye. Could the ph be doing that, I am guessing that the ph was high for a while, but my city is sipplied by reservoirs and the ph is always monitored but never very high like not much over 7.2. I became aware of our ph from having a fish tanks. It is now affecting 4 out of 5 plants.