GoAuto and roark's fungi extravaganza "Work area" Hard hat's please!

Alright boy's here we go. Substrate Bag experiment #2

20 c water
4.5 c cracked corn
9 c dry vermiculite
1/2 cup spent coffee grnds just 1 cup.EDIT. (use 1 c)
chunk of coco....3/4 length (of 5kg block) 2in thick
Big bucket.

The corn
Okay simmer 4.5 cups corn in 12 cups water for 20-30 min
strain well, I rinsed the corn to stop the cooking. Then let sit while you prepare coco.

The verm
Measure 9 cups vermiculite into bucket then add 8 c hot water and mix very well. let sit while you saw off coco chunk.
saw off chunk of coco and break it up into soaking verm mixing in to soak up moisture.
Go get your spent coffee from this morning and through it in. NO filter! Guess you could but why?
mix....mix.....mix by gloved hands and break up any dry clumps. Mix again and again until sub feels evenly moist.
Feild capacity test for run off. should be nice an fluffy just moist. adjust bu adding more dry verm or coco. probably verm.

Bagging up
scooped in 5 semi-packed cups of mix to each of 6 .05 micron bags.
Then placed a piece of gorilla tape on the back of each bag for inoculation site.
folding the bags is easy. just follow the seams down and tuck back so the filter is covered and roll getting most of the air out as you go.

Seal the bags like so.

Plac in P.C like so

Now it looks like the filter is up and it is but its covered. Now i placed the bags in the p.c after puttin some small rings under the tray.
Then when i place the bags in i put it so the floppy part is on top so the filter is far from the 6 c of water in the bottom. Stacked the next row that way too and flipped the last 2 the other way.

@ 15 psi for 60 min.
Let cool over night and hit them with L.C

So with the sub being a little dry that should work out cause i am going to hit them with 60 cc L.C tomorrow
Thats all folks.
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So, gorilla tape does not hold up well in the p.c. I will put it on after next time and then rub down with alcohol. Tip of the day. Time to impregnate!
Yeah man I love it. I think I saw that tek. Well the home made version anyway. So what you just tip the jar upside down? Gotta link?
what about air exchange?
Bags are knocked up 1 got 50cc most got 60cc 2 got 120cc. Tossed out the old ones. No new progress and they smelled really awful. Standing water bad!!!!.
Bags are knocked up 1 got 50cc most got 60cc 2 got 120cc. Tossed out the old ones. No new progress and they smelled really awful. Standing water bad!!!!.
Hell ya.....can't wait!