Hello and welcome to my 5th grow.
Cream of the Crop - Narcotherapy
Cream of the Crop - Narcotherapy
I hope this qualifies as an organic grow, I realise the Humboldt is not organic as some of its ingredients are not from sustainable sources but they are all natural.
This isn't a huge change in the way I've been growing previously but I will be paying more attention to keeping the soil healthy & living.
So here's where I am up to...
8L Plant Magic Plus Supreme Soil
8L Canna Coco Professional Plus
8L Organic worm castings
8L Perlite
150ml Dolomite Lime
5L fish tank water
Worm castings
Maxicrop Organic Seaweed
I mixed the soil back in August, fed it the tea which was bubbled for 48 hours. I mixed up a second batch of tea two weeks ago and fed the soil again. It's been cooking nicely and I think we're ready for the off!
I've upgraded from 10l to 20l airpots. I've filled the pot, the remainder of the soil will be mixed with a fresh batch to give it a head start.
I soaked the bean for about 30 hours in pH'd water with seaweed. Soaked a peat pellet in the same water. Bean into the pellet and straight into the final pot with a good scoop of mycorrhizal fungi.
I'm starting her under a 125W 6500K spectrum CFL. She'll be moved under my COB Leds once I've harveted the Amnesia XXL.
My plan during the grow is to continue to use Biobizz nutes alongside other organic ingredients,
Biobizz Grow
Biobizz Bloom
Biobizz Topmax
Maxicrop Organic Seaweed
Humboldt Nutrients - Equilibrium
Need to purchase - bat guano