Outdoor glasshouse - early march



hello :howdy: fellow growers
i have a question for AF pros...

this year i'm growing in glasshouse, auto mazar to be specific in early march... as we know, the temperatures might get under zero... but thats not the point... the point is i'm going to veg them for about 2-3 weeks under 70w MH. so when i plant them outside, the day will have 11.30h of daylight... so i want to know what kind of light protocol should i set for 2-3 weeks while plants are inside under artificial lights before planting outside on a 11.30/12.30 protocol of sunlight?
what u want....i would stick with 16/8, cause its the fastest for me...18/6 is more light but more stress....
I was having the same thoughts as im in uk and there are still low light hours. Would it be more practical and less stressful on the plant to set them to the daylight/night hours, that are going to be reflected outdoors when they are planted?
I would think you could eliminate the possibility of light-caused stress by starting at 18/6, then going to 16/8 four days before transplanting, then 14/10 two days before.