Grow Mediums GJ: Blue Mystic Auto in Coco Loco, 3gal bags, 1000w, amended H2O, hydro nutes

Not so High there,

In an attempt to calibrate my Hanna pH Checker I discovered the electrode is toast (god only knows what pH I've been feeding my other plants, probably really, really low).

I replaced the batteries but it still won't adjust low enough for either calibration solution. It's been lying to me. It's been telling me things are just fine.

I heard stories about this rare fat red devil who hibernates all year except for one night where he teleports from rooftop to rooftop crawling around in chimneys and feeding on the soot of dead trees by absorbing it through his fur, then defecating presents under any nearby trees. It's the circle of life I guess. So, maybe the red devil will poop me a new pH meter in a couple weeks.

Until then I'm going to have to use the old dropper-and-color-chart test kit.

Luckily I've only been giving amended water to the Blue Mystic Autos; they should be right on track.
High again!

I used the oldskool test tube, dropper, color chart method last night to mix my nutes to a pH of "dandelion yellow" (er, around 5.8, definitely within 5.5-6.0). It was also time to do a full feeding with 10% run-off, and since coco flushes so easily, that alleviated my concerns about wacky low pH nutrient lockout due to my faulty digital meter that I'd been using.

I've been seeing a teeny bit of burning of the lower saw-teeth of the leaflets on my photos and thought it was mild nute burn but now I'm thinking cal-mag deficiency due to pH lockout, but nothing serious.

Just to be safe I discarded all of the run-off instead of letting it sit in the trays.

BMA is unaffected due to being too young for nutes (I don't bother to pH adjust my plain aerated water, should I?)
Nice grow man, it's very precise. I've got a spare bubbler lying about, I may copy what you're doing with the water
Day 10, Day 13

Nice grow man, it's very precise. I've got a spare bubbler lying about, I may copy what you're doing with the water

Thank you for your kind words! It's actually FD and some others in this forum I'm copying with the amended water. The idea never occurred to me before, but I was intrigued and so I had to try it.

sidenote 1: I don't always feel terribly precise but I'm glad it appears that way :) I check my work to get a baseline sense of what I'm doing but sometimes I know how much pH adjusters a specific solution needs and I don't even check it. I rarely check TDS. I basically know what it is, but I confirmed last night - My source water is around 100 ppm. For mature plants, my nutrient solution is about 850 before pH adjustment, and up to 880 ppm after.

sidenote 2: I got an early gift of new pH tester, so no more guessing by the color chart!

Here are some pictures of the Blue Mystics I took and forgot to upload: :smoke:

Day 10:
20141217_side.jpg 20141217_top1.jpg 20141217_top2.jpg

Day 13:
20141220_side.jpg 20141220_top.jpg

Nice little growth spurt!
Day 15

Blue Mystic Autos

Is it me or is that Euro shrinking? :)

Next time I water, I'll be adding Big Bloom and a very TINY amount of Grow Big Hydro.
Nice to see another CoCoNuT round here! :Sharing One:Looking good n2p2k, nice grow rooms u got! Subbed for the rest of the show, looks like i got here right as the fun is starting :) "Munch..munch..munch
Nice to see another CoCoNuT round here! :Sharing One:Looking good n2p2k, nice grow rooms u got! Subbed for the rest of the show, looks like i got here right as the fun is starting :) "Munch..munch..munch

Cheers! Nice to see another pitbull lover. :D Just realized how similar our avatars are.

Boy I wish I was keeping up with this journal. The fun sure is starting alright! Things are C-C-CRAZY in my flower room. I'll post some progress shots of the BMA's next post.

Both of my Northern Lights x Low Ryder (that didn't get stunted early on) are monsters. (That would be the Samsara Flash Babylon and the G13 Labs Northern Lights Auto):

Flash Baby (and the G13Labs NL Auto in the background/to the right)
FB2.jpg FB.jpg FBG13NL.jpg
These have far and away outgrown all the others. The height of my light is the only thing that stopped them. Sorry there's no measurement, but those are 3 gallon grow bags so use your imagination. :smoke:

Bio Diesel Mass Auto (2nd tallest, quite nice bud progression too, will definitely get again)

Critcal + 2.0 Auto (I would like to do a whole crop of these things!!)
cp2cola.jpg cp2frosty.jpg cp2close.jpg
Now I'll admit, these were all taken about 4-5 days ago. The CP's buds have gotten fatter and frostier in that time! It's way whiter than my white widows. But, my WW's are the classic 80's genetics from the source, dutch passion. Not these hybridized pumped up super white widows you get from other breeders these days. I think DP offers them more as good breeding stock than a production strain but go ahead and call me old fashioned, I want to smoke some of that yesteryear bud :)

60 Day Lemon (OK, 60 days is definitly a marketing lie. But I kind of assumed that going in.)
60dl.jpg At first, I thought my two 60D lemons were going to be my frontrunners. But, they don't grow very tall and they didn't bush out much either. Several weeks into flower, everything else has surpassed them in size, but not necessarily in bud maturity. They do look nice and I'm sure they'll be enjoyable. In fact, if you have a compact space or you want something you can put a lot of without eating your tent space (AHEM, Northern Lights) and you want some quick finishers, I would recommend a whole crop of these. But don't buy into the marketing hype.. they take time like everything else worth doing.

...And now, a few of my photos, the
White Widows!
widow.jpg This is my big bushy mother, now several inches shorter than the NL Autos, and about 5 weeks behind her clones.
widow-cola.jpg Here's a cola from one of the clones.
widow-cola-close.jpg Close up!
Another Blue Mystic Autos update! DAY 17, DAY 21

High again!

It's time for another Blue Mystic Auto update!

Day 17 - first feeding; per gallon (they only took maybe a 3rd of a gallon each) 1 TBS Big Bloom, 1/4 tsp Grow Big
20141224_1.jpg 20141224_2.jpg

Day 21 - Boom! Guess they liked the food!
20141228_1.jpg 20141228_2.jpg

Now that's what I call progress "Bailers Booya"
this post is a sidenote

High on THIS right meow!


Rang in the new year by taking down my White Widows (and my 1 Kandy Kush).

20150102_130524.jpg 20150102_130735.jpg 20150102_130643.jpg 20150102_131058.jpg 20150102_132638.jpg 20150102_134559.jpg 20150102_134648.jpg

About to play catch-up and post some time lapse pics of the BMAs.

Speaking of Kandy Kush, got some clones in the humidity dome!
20150108_140354.jpg 20150108_140444.jpg These look rough because they were re-cloned. They were staying too damp in rockwool plugs under a bulb that was too strong. I had also used rooting powder instead of cloning gel, I know the gel works but someone said try the powder. After 5 days and no sign of change (other than burning out some leaves) I re-cut them below the nearest nodes, dipped them in gel and re-planted in peat plugs under a weaker lamp. In a week they'll either have roots or be dead! I clipped some monster kandy clones and put them into the aero cloner:
20150108_000856.jpg Kandy in front/bottom, OG Purp in the back. And a giant leaf way in the back because I thought it was funny to see how long it lasts in the cloner.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled Blue Mystic Auto thread :tiphat:


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Day 25 - Blue Mystic Auto x2

High again!

It's time for another Blue Mystic Auto update. DAY 25

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20150101_215330.jpg 20150101_215255.jpg
Shown her sex, pre-flowers appeared.