New Grower giving hydro a go

  • Thread starter Thread starter stoneyhomer
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true areo? foggers came after the misters...and i've not had a problem yet. i also have mycorrhizae in my rez.
i mean to be classed as true aero the droplets size has to be under a certain micron size which normally require expensive high pressure pumps theres fake aeros that use sprays or spinners which are not true aeroponics and fars as im aware myco fungi comes in to forms indo and endo and both live on roots and not in res as far as im aware unless there spores but direct contact is needed but i would of thought the organic hydro solution would be pre broken down anyway
so all these systems that use misters and are advertised as aero are false?

the myco that i have comes in powder form and is introduced to the rez, i assumed when the water is sprayed on the roots the myco colonized on them.
you can have misters and hit the microns but you need very high pressures, 95% systems dont as the pump costs a fortune and only lasts a short time. The word aeroponic is not regulated so you could hit a plant with a hose pipe and call it aero

on the myco you may be right you may have powdered spores i would only use one application as once the roots have myco infection it grows with them. that why if you hit them as cuttings you save a fortune
ok a few pics from today so day 22 i think

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sweet setup i'm quite jealous and looked into the bigger system myself or i might make one. what strain is that? you might want a slightly larger strain to make the most of the space but its looking good! they might be a bit low on N you have some yellowing there
ok things not looking grate gona have to work on this hydro thing a bit day 26 thay looking a lil deformed but that could be genetics? as thay were the first seeds that i made well a few pics ph 6 ec 1.6


i will get some seeds in that i know are good soon so then ill know if its my hydro growing skils or my seeds


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They dont look to bad seems more genetic is the ec drifting up or down
I dont use ebb and flow but hydrotron drys very quickly in flood and drain also on drippers so an extra flood cycle may help
Hey man, go with the Canna Aqua nutrient line for Ebb n Flow or DWC or any other recirculating system, as the nutrients are made in such a way that the roots keep adjusting the ph to fit their needs. You supposedly do not have to use ph +/- at all except for the initial rez water and top up water ofcourse.

I have used aqua it was ok but i had to adjust every now and then this was a few year back mind i like flairform 1 part slurry mixture its easier to use
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