Fast Buds girl scout cookies auto

Looking good man. What nutes did you end up going with?
Hey man that lil girl is looking soooooo fineeeee. You are off to a good start just keep giving her love and reading her vibes brahhhh
Thanks for the compliments guys. I haven't started on the nutes yet. Going to start tomorrow probably. I'm going to take your advice and go with the fox farm trio. Haven't made the drive to get them yet (3 herniated discs in your neck sucks) but I will tomorrow. Going to get some cal-mag as well, just incase. Been giving her tap water set out a day and keeping the ph at 6.5 or so. Excited to see what she does on a regular nute schedule.
Hey guys, I need your help/ opinions. I just noticed some spots showing up and I am worried. Like I said I am a newb and have no clue what the problem is. Any ideas of the problem and what to do would be greatly appreciated. I'm hopeful I caught it in time. On another note... WOW this girl is taking off :baked:


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Its an organic potting mix, nothing special. I mixed in a quarter miracle grow potting soil and perlite. Maybe the miracle grow potting mix the culprit?
Whew... think the cal mag helped. Seemd to stop the spread of the spotting and with the nutes added in she is cured I think. She's continuing to impress me, she's growing like a weed haha.


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Alright, so she is 19 days from seed and looking good. Starting to show sex. I had a decision to make 3 days ago, whether or not to transplant her. I decided to risk a little stunt in growth to possibly loosing the whole girl. I planted her in only a foot of soil and knew it would get root bound or worse, root rot. I transplanted her in fox farm ocean forest.


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Another pic. Will only let me post one pic


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Its day 29 and I think she is ready for the flowering nutes. So what you all think. I will be posting more pics as I can only do one at a time for some reason.


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