Fast Buds girl scout cookies auto

May 17, 2016
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Total neeb here. I have 2 gsc autos from fast buds. Day 4 from seed. In mix of organic potting soil with worm castings and a quarter miracle grow cut in. 5 gallon buckets. Have them in the sun during the day and under 2 150 w cfls for a few hours at night to try snd give them a little extra push early. Should I keep them under the cfls at night for 24/0? I know fast buds says 18/6 buy Ive heard 24/0 is the thing to do for autos. I plan on using just all purpose miracle grow and the Alaska fish nutes as this is really all I can afford at the moment. When should I start giving them the nutes in small doses and what do you think I can expect in yield. A lot of questions I know thsnk you for checking it out. Will post pics in a little.
Total neeb here. I have 2 gsc autos from fast buds. Day 4 from seed. In mix of organic potting soil with worm castings and a quarter miracle grow cut in. 5 gallon buckets. Have them in the sun during the day and under 2 150 w cfls for a few hours at night to try snd give them a little extra push early. Should I keep them under the cfls at night for 24/0? I know fast buds says 18/6 buy Ive heard 24/0 is the thing to do for autos. I plan on using just all purpose miracle grow and the Alaska fish nutes as this is really all I can afford at the moment. When should I start giving them the nutes in small doses and what do you think I can expect in yield. A lot of
I'm sure a lot of people here will advise against using any mirical grow as it is too hot for autos, and it is not organic. You can run autos under any light cycle but I would suggest using 18/6 as just like you need to sleep so does your girls. If truly can't not afford any other nute then I would only use the all purpose for the first few weeks as it doesn't have the proper ration for the bloom cycle. Also if you were to do that I would start off at 1/8 of the recommended strength and try not to apply any nutes until after the first week or two, since you added nutes with the soul mix. Again I am still new at this too, just have read a shit load so trying to share all of the compiled Info I have gathered for myself. Check out this sight as it has a lot of good info and can answer a lot of your questions just starting out. I also have some GSC that I'm going to raise in my next grow. Good luck man. If u have any other questions I will try to help you out.
Alright cool bro. I hear ya, I appreciate your time and I will try not to use the miracle grow. They are looking good so far. Good luck to you on your projects
Alright, so today is day 6 from seed. Just starting to see the second set coming up. I lied earlier, I have two 105w cfls. It looks like she is liking it so far I guess. What you all think, average or sub par?


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Delois good man! My first grow started out with one 150wCFL and I got 3.5oz out of it. Just pay close attention to her, her leaves will tell you how she is. Keep it up
Thanks man, appreciate it. Ok I found a hydro shop within driving distance. Going to go tomorrow and check it out. Thinking about picking up a few of the 5 gallon oxy pots to improve ventilation. I have some more beans I haven't cracked yet and was wondering what soil i should get, or do the coco? I was thinking fox farm nutes but can't decide. So much more involved than I originally thought lol. And again thanks for the help.
Yah it is. I would go with the fox farm trio and follow their online schedule. coco is a harder medium to control the nutes, so I wouldnt try that for the first time. And go with an organic soil.
Alright cool. I added a small blue colored cfl I found in the garage. Figured it couldn't hurt. Seems to enjoy it. Also added a small fan to get the circulation going, the dirt isn't drying real quick and I am trying to avoid root rot. Seems to be helping. And thanks again, hope I am not bugging u to much.
Noticable growth in past 3 days. Dunno if you can notice in the pic but she almost doubled in size. 9 days from seed today and starting on the 3rd set. She is soaking up the nice sunlight today.


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