Photography Ghaze x Dieselryder and others.

Here's a few older pic's of a different grow.
check out the difference in structure between the whitedwarf from the old grow and the first whitedwarf pics in this thread..
crazy difference.

Ha ha..I've been scrolling and scrolling for 15 minutes with my mouth hangin open..
all I can think is F*ck...:no:

pardon the

they just STUN me.

I've seen some Damn Good growers....that put MY growing to shame..


I can honestly say hand on heart..

they are the Best grown Autos that I have ever seen...:clap:
I would LOVE it Dirt...
and a thousand others are standing behind me waving their hands saying pleeeease Sir.....:bow:...please.

I only use plain/potting compo..and liquid feed when needed..
(I was always told..passing ferts...never sit them in ferts..because if it is too Hot..
they cannot get away from it.)

But FD has put his energies into developing a good amended soil..
with great results.

He has been pulling girls out of his Small pots with the same weights as I get out of big pots...
I'm open for conversion......:D

He told you TLO. That is what he uses “True Living Organic” Soil”

I thank he told me he uses the Mix BY: THE REV
Google it; and you can find the Soil-Mix Recipe

If I am wrong please tell me so Dirt
very well done gentlemen!!! :thumbs: some of the best grown autos I've seen for sure.... and I've seen some kickass shit!!! I'm very very interested in that soil mix myself... the more I've been using microzzial fungi and other "living amendments" the better my grows get... sounds like thats the perfect one!!! I found in my reading that the micro fungi actually help buffer ph differences for the roots and also increase drought tolerance drastically

heading for a google run now!!!
I just got on here now,I spent almost 3 hours trying to figure out how to get my files off my broken laptop..
My mix was one of those files..

I'm not using rev's exact mix..although Rev was a big influence and his knowledge was a great help.
I'm north of the border and alot of the ingredients the rev uses are not available here.
there's plenty of good mixes out there..LC's mix,sub's super soil,vic high's mix and the rev's..aswell as other's..
to be honest...I kinda winged it and got lucky..

Disclaimer:Here's my mix but use it at your own risk I am not liable for any damages you may incur and may become subject to or any unsatisfactory results you may be pissed off with.

50 gal base

3 cu. ft coco
1 bag mushroom compost
20 gal recycled soil.

total of 50 gal base.

14-15 cups oyster shell
1kg or 7 cups kelp meal
6 cups prilled lime
3 cups alfalfa meal
4 cups blood meal
4 cups bone meal
4 cups rose and flower 5-3-8
3 cups dolomite powder
4.5 cups rock phosephate
3 cups soft rock phosephate
4.5 cups flower power 4-10-4
2 cups DE
6 cups greensand
and one small can of fish food for good luck.

after cooking for awhile I still had a high ph of 8.0 so I tried to lower it by adding..

7 gallons peat {nature mix brand}
+1 cup alfalfa
2cups high n guano
2 cups vegano 3-3-3 all purpose
which proved to have no effect.

I will mention that I thought I might have used to much dolomite in the mix but it seems to have worked out fine so far,the microbeasties keep the balace.

you must use chlorine and chloramine free water..I alternated each watering between distilled and bubble tap water.

I still need to buy an RO unit or a good water filter.

sorry it took me so long to post it up.

If I can think of anything else I might have forgot I'll post it.
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You deserve the compliments man !
I almost shat bricks when I saw them, at a loss at which one to chose for POM. Prolly the GhazexDeisel.. which brings me to my question, where do I get these babies ?
PS: Thanks for posting your medium details, what about lights tho ? Reflector ?
PS2: Got it. 600w lights from your first post, any special reflector though ?
DIRT, Thanks for taking the time and posting your soil mix!

AMEN...:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

I Think you will have just made a lot of people very Happy.

Sorry..I never though to google it..and save you all that time...
most times stuff like that are Secret mixes.

Disclaimer:Here's my mix but use it at your own risk I am not liable for any damages you may incur and may become subject to or any unsatisfactory results you may be pissed off with.

:D...I Love it

I'm north of the border and alot of the ingredients the rev uses are not available here.
there's plenty of good mixes out there..LC's mix,sub's super soil,vic high's mix and the rev's..aswell as other's..
to be honest...

Yeah...I'm in a different country...they don't have the availability I had in the UK..

I kinda winged it and got lucky..

I always say I amplant lucky.
and my mom says it takes a lot of hard work to get that lucky..:D

Cheers DIRT...I'll get a good look when I get back from the dog walk..:thumbs:
