I'm glad to hear she's potent, I am starting to find that the superfreak is dominant for that racy up gotta get some shit done kinda high..which is good but sometimes she's a lil'bit too overwhelming..hopefully the GH/DR takes her down a notch and adds a bit of relaxation to her.
@mossy-The GH/DR had to have the best med properties of any auto I've grown yet...I have bad hands one of them was crushed in a mining accident, I have neurological and bone damage to the point where sometimes the pain is so bad I can't close my hand...The GH/DR was magic...ten minutes after smoking a joint the pain would subside as well as the inflammation in my joints and I would start to regain movement...no pill could do that for me, Hopefully some of the med properties carried over in the cross.
@Cres-Brother as soon as they are ready and up to my standards you'll be one of the first to get them..that's a promise.