GH micro hardwater mix/effect duration

Jan 18, 2022
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Hi using flora micro hardwater and I remember reading on the forums but cannot find it. That it has to be first in the base mix and it will slowly bring down ppm/ph.

How long will this take ? Should I wait untill the micro hardwater has fully settled before adding the next base nutes ?

Using a 25l bucket DWC bubbler with clay pebbles changing every week by having a clean bucket ready fill with solution and swap plant and lid onto new bucket

So my current mix is the following mixing well and shaking bottles before use.

50l tank
Chlorine removal
Steriliser (silver bullet roots)
Silicon (shogun silicon) 1hr wait
Cal mag if needed (shogun cal mag) 30 min wait
Micro hardwater (GH trio) (wait duration ??)
Gro 1 min wait
Bloom 1 min wait
Root simulator (shogun katana roots) 1 min wait
Ph down

My water is at 248 ppm which isn't to hard depending on what I adjust to will a fraction dosage of cal mag be necessary ?

I'm running a 1/2 dosage rate of GH trio plants following the hyrdoponic schedule they're taking it very well

I've been told you should wait 24 hrs and measure ph then add to buckets as it can fall or rise but wouldn't silicon prevent this ?

Is it necessary to adjust ph before and after silicon to 7 ?
As far as I know, Flora Micro Hardwater is just Flora Micro with less calcium.

I use the full GH line up and the General mixing order is Silica -> CalMag -> Micro -> everything else.

The only one I usually give “time” to dissolve is Silica. The rest I really just mix up in the appropriate order and give a good stir/mix in between.

Unless the bottle specifically says “allow X minutes to dissolve”, it may not be necessary, but I’ve never actually used the hardwater version so I can’t say for sure. But considering the hardwater version has even less calcium than the regular version, and presence of calcium influences the mixing order, I would have thought Flora Hardwater would have even less of a requirement than it’s softwater counterpart to be mixed/dissolved first….
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Hi using flora micro hardwater and I remember reading on the forums but cannot find it. That it has to be first in the base mix and it will slowly bring down ppm/ph.

How long will this take ? Should I wait untill the micro hardwater has fully settled before adding the next base nutes ?

Using a 25l bucket DWC bubbler with clay pebbles changing every week by having a clean bucket ready fill with solution and swap plant and lid onto new bucket

So my current mix is the following mixing well and shaking bottles before use.

50l tank
Chlorine removal
Steriliser (silver bullet roots)
Silicon (shogun silicon) 1hr wait
Cal mag if needed (shogun cal mag) 30 min wait
Micro hardwater (GH trio) (wait duration ??)
Gro 1 min wait
Bloom 1 min wait
Root simulator (shogun katana roots) 1 min wait
Ph down

My water is at 248 ppm which isn't to hard depending on what I adjust to will a fraction dosage of cal mag be necessary ?

I'm running a 1/2 dosage rate of GH trio plants following the hyrdoponic schedule they're taking it very well

I've been told you should wait 24 hrs and measure ph then add to buckets as it can fall or rise but wouldn't silicon prevent this ?

Is it necessary to adjust ph before and after silicon to 7 ?

You don't even need to add CaMg. How are you removing chlorine?

At that ppm, I'm concerned that your source water could fluctuate leading to issues should your ppms rise too high. Precipitation, lockouts, etc. You may want to consider a small reverse osmosis system, it will prevent issues plus give you a baseline that won't require you to use a hard water formulation.

The way I've mixed nutrients commercially and at home is:

Warm water with the silica(salts especially) shaken well for several minutes and added to the main tank with a pump for circulation. Once the ppms stabilize I proceed to the next part.

Add your micro, allowing the solution to stabilize - a small pump circulating the water will help improve the mixing speed - and measure the ppms ensure they are remaining stable.

Repeat this with your A and B, one at a time, allowing the ppms to stabilize.

pH your solution last, taking frequent measurements to ensure it stabilizes where you need it.