Ggg2 Dwc oxypot led grow needs help!!!

Hey! Good suggestion from @STILLSMOKIN about the tapwater. I would recommend to check if the ppm's change after letting a bucket sit there for a while. Personally I haven't noticed any change but then again I do have very clean tap water. Bloom boosters are not necessary, I find myself relying less and less on them myself, although I still use them. At the start of the generative period it is alright to go with just the bloom if you so choose to, it sure should be enough. I am still a fan of AN's Overdrive and I do shamelessly use it still about 1 ml per litre at some feedings.

I'd caution with the usage of Carboload in DWC. Nothing wrong using it but as it will feed the bacteria and promote them to multiply, they will eat up a whole lot of nitrogen. This will ofcourse provide the plant with nice amount of usable nitrate but in the process it can very quickly make your solution alkaline resulting in lock outs of Zinc and P. As long as you do feed Carboload, keep a very close eye on the pH of the reservoir and react quickly to any spikes. I've observed this happening any time I use Carboload in my setup. It's good stuff but you have to be careful.
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Thx medgrower i dont know how to tag lol. I have strong taste buds and i can't drink my water. Taste like bleach! Cant imagine plants would like it.
@STILLSMOKIN I haven't checked ppm after leaving the water out for a bit but once waters in the pot I see no significant decreases in ppm, but out of interest I will look at this. @MedGrower thank you again and noted on the carboload I will keep a weerie eye on the ph for any spikes and won't bother with the bloom boosters. I will keep you guys posted on results.
Hey guys another update for you, she was growing for a bit but her problems working her way up the leaves again and she has stopped growing after a couple of days. The ppm has not budged from 500 and p.h. still at 6.2 ec seems really high it's at 1.1? @MedGrower any ideas what might be goin on here? @STILLSMOKIN I did leave some water out for over 24hrs and tested it and there was no budge in ppm... though u were right my beneficials seem to have all but disappeared so thank you on the heads up I'll remember that for future topping up.


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I am starting to think if you may be having such an excess of Ca in your tapwater that it locks out potassium to a degree you start to have such symptoms.

What I would suggest you do is to try with RO water or a blend of RO and tapwater at the very least.
Thanks @MedGrower I think you are right... it's the only plausible thing as everything else is running fine so it's the only thing left in the equation that could cause possible issue. I had a dig about and found a 10l bottle of ro water at 34ppm so I'll change out the water and throw this in with some fresh Nutes beneficials and fingers crossed I get a good reaction from her. Thanks again you guys... I'd been dooomed long ago if it weren't for everyone on here.
@MedGrower Just out of interest.. would i need to still add calmag to the ro or leave it until the plant recovers from toxicity and then add when needed?
@MedGrower Just out of interest.. would i need to still add calmag to the ro or leave it until the plant recovers from toxicity and then add when needed?

Go ahead and add just a little. It shouldn't hurt. Its just the suspected excess that may be the culprit here. Good luck!
That's fine I will add a small amount, I just didn't want to add to the problem. Thanks again
Hi guys another update, changed the water out, have added 500ppm of Nutes with the ro water and keeping the p.h between a steady 6.0-6.2 (though I am getting p.h. drop which I believe might be down to the an Nutes as p.h. perfect) ec is around 1.0, no signs of improvement but hopefully next few days will tell.


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